Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Never Mind

So the Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committee pulled a Roseanne Roseannadanna on us as the rescheduled meeting (moved from tonight to Thursday night) no longer has an "Executive Session" scheduled.

Hmm ...


Okay never mind about RSC not having an Executive Session. Now apparently, according to yet another posting, they are having an Executive Session. Sheesh!  

Odd thing is they both were "received" by the Town Clerk at the same  time.


  1. Does anyone really think they'll get past public comment to the rest of the agenda?

  2. I am looking forward to watching Baptiste handle the public comments. If he enforces the rules, as he should, what names can they call him?

  3. I'm still trying to get my brain around how labeling fellow School Committee members as "white supremacists" on a public forum could be useful in any way.

    Even if you thought it, what good will it do?

  4. They can't discuss the CG litigation even in exec session. Actually nothing for them to discuss anyway. It's in the hands of the lawyer for the district's insurance company. Do you know Larry if executive session is coming at the beginning or the end of the meeting?

  5. And who would be in charge of posting this?

  6. No Irons in The Fire Said:

    Did Shabazz really call fellow school committee members White Supremacists or did he speak on the issue of white supremacy as it relates to the schools and school committee? From what I've seen on his facebook page it was the latter. https://www.facebook.com/notes/arps-sc-member-amilcar-shabazz/letter-asking-amherst-voters-to-elect-vira-douangmany-to-our-school-committee/627024994034905

    Some may think that the distinction isn't a big one, but I certainly do. I also think that the letter is worth a read.

  7. "Never mind" is from Miss Emily Litella, not Rosanne Rosannadanna. She would say it after ranting about something like "Save Soviet Jewelry" and then being told it was actually "Save Soviet Jewry."

    As we all know here in Blogville, facts matter.

  8. "I have faced white supremacy from day one on the school committee from the words and deeds of some of my fellow school committee members."
    Sure sounds like that was what he was calling them.

  9. "I apologize that so many people misunderstood my words."

  10. Let up people--If this whole group of 'adults' sc--admin-- cannot find it to be civil to each other--what the hell good can any of you do for our kids? smh ~ Glad to be ahead of this bs. Unless and until we all get over ourselves--the focus of what school is supposed to be doing is lost--educating our kids! and the money, if any, awarded to Ms. Gardner will not come out of any student funds--it will come out of the town coffer--Hell--I am sure it won't even be missed--but our kids education can never be replaced. Really--put the light where it belongs and stop the silliness--mcad will decide if there is a case or not--but I am pretty sure there will be so brace your silly selves for the big whammy.

  11. There is no way MCAD will find in favor of Carolyn Gardner. Heck even her union APEA and the state teacher's union, MTA, are not supporting her. Her claims are baseless.

  12. "It's always Something."

  13. What would the school committee be talking about now if it had hired a proven experienced, bi-lingual superintendent candidate with excellent track records of closing the achievement gap? There were several excellent candidates in each search.

    Where would we be now?

    The central office is full of people doing a job they never have done before. The superintendent can't seem to manage/work with any school committee.

    No one is talking about education anymore.

  14. The School Committee has definitely been hijacked, hope they get back to work soon.

  15. I'm willing to bet no superintendent could work effectively with the current SC. As long as Trevor is chair no work will be done by this SC.

  16. Does anybody remember what started all of this?

  17. It's not the superintendent's job to manage the school committee, they don't work for the super, she works for them. The super acts professionally at all board meetings and at all other times for that matter. It's Shabazz and Baptiste who can't work collaboratively with the other people WE VOTED onto the school committee.

  18. 8:21 AM, are you trying to say that "a proven experienced, bi-lingual superintendent" would have just paid out the $500,000.00 to Carolyn and all would be well? Are you saying that the kid wouldn't have written ONE racist comment on the bathroom wall had we hired "a proven experienced, bi-lingual superintendent?"

    (By the way, Geryk had a couple years as superintendent under her belt when we hired her and her hire was widely supported by the staff, faculty, fellow admins., and the greater community. You must not have attended any of the events the experienced and expensive consultants who were hired to do a national search for a super held for us.)

  19. "Anonymous said...

    Does anybody remember what started all of this?"

    Yes, Gardner's phone was stolen. Her PHONE! The talons came out then.

    I can't even count how many things have been stolen from my kids and their friends at the HS.

  20. Might Gardner have simply lost her phone? Come on people.

  21. I dont doubt her phone was stolen. A couple years ago phones/ ipods were stolen from girls bags as they played in a jv basketball game. Things are often stolen, even during classes. No respect for peers.

  22. I'm a teacher and have stuff stolen all the time. Small potatoes. I wouldn't leave anything valuable around. I doubt there's a teacher alive who's never been ripped off at least slightly.
