Tuesday, November 18, 2014

DUI Dishonor Roll

 Guadalupe Roblero, 28, stands before Judge Groce with Spanish interpreter

Amherst Police arrested two drivers over the weekend for operating under the influence of alcohol, one of each gender.

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday they both had their cases continued, although it appeared for a brief moment that Guadalupe Roblero was going to take a standard 24D disposition, but changed his mind after chatting with the Assistant District Attorney.

Click to enlarge/read

He was assigned Attorney Alfred Chamberland as a public defender (with a $150 fee).  Mr. Chamberland you may remember recently won a drunk driving case that occurred in Amherst. 

Of course he had the advantage of state law that did not allow the prosecution to mention his client refused the chemical breath test at Amherst police headquarters and that his client also had a previous drunk driving offense.

So it will be interesting to see how he deals with this client who did take the breath test, which is admissible in Court, with a whopping .20% reading -- or 2.5 times over the limit.

Meghan Maclellan, 19, stands before Judge Charles Groce

Meghan Gesek
Meghan Gesek also appeared before the Judge on Monday for a "Status Review". She was charged by APD with DUI on June 1 which included destroying a chain link fence and leaving tire tracks on school grounds.

Part of her sentence was to make restitution to the Amherst Schools as well as court costs: $4,788.  Ouch!

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