Sunday, October 19, 2014

Dance The Night Away

UMass Haigis Mall 10:15 PM Friday

This coming weekend -- and in a "college town" the weekend begins on Thursday -- should be a notable one for our understaffed public safety departments.

 The crowd was exuberant but, fortunately, well behaved

On Friday night UMass PD came very close to calling in the Amherst Police Department for help dealing with a large crowd (700-1,000) of somewhat scantily dressed youth congregated at the Haigis Mall awaiting bus rides to Holyoke for an Electronic Dance Music event, a fundraiser for breast cancer promoted by a local fraternity.

That event was so popular the Fire Marshall shut down entry soon after I took these pictures, and most of the crowd above did not actually board the rented yellow school buses.

 AFD responded to the scene for an over intoxicated student

The UMPD officer in charge told Dispatch to hold off since "APD probably has their hands full about now," and indeed call response at the time was delayed by up to an hour as Amherst police were dealing with the simple routine of weekend in a college town when the weather is still warm.

On Thursday the Mullins Center hosts Skrillex a notable EDM artist, and of course the following weekend is Halloween -- the mother of all excuses to party hardy.

Main ingredients in the making of a not so perfect storm. 


  1. 700-800 people were waiting for buses. Explain to me what the big deal was?

  2. Nothing. Kind of like a New Hampshire "pumpkin festival" attracting thousands.

    What could go wrong?

  3. Larry, look at this a different way -- 700-800 people on a weekend night WITH NOTHING TO DO..........

    Didn't your Irish mother have a saying about "Idle Hands" and the "Devil's Plaything."

    If you don't want kids drinking themselves blotto and busting things, give them something else to do!!!

    If nothing else, keep the library open...

  4. This was no different than a crowd of people waiting to get into an event at the Mullins Center.

  5. Typical Larry-like sensationalism. Scantily dressed? Like in shorts and tee shirts on an unseasonably warm day? Shocking!

    Too bad the breast cancer fundraiser wasn't able to realize the influx of $$$ from this enthusiastic bunch of young people.

    And what do you mean that the fundraiser was sponsored by a local fraternity??? Might it be that our local frat brothers are more than just the bunch of alcoholic hedonists that you tend to paint them as?

    And if the UMASS PD needs to call in reinforcements for a crowd of kids waiting for a bus, we really are in trouble.

  6. Actually no, Larry is correct. The idea of these raves is that it is very hot and often girls wear as little as possible, preferably incredibly tight and small shorts that almost shows their vagina. I have attended these events and you wouldn't believe what the females are expected (and do) wear. Some don't even bother and just wear pasties in their groin area.

  7. What a joke, call APD for help. I think last I read UMPD had 65+ officers while APD had fewer than 45. What gives? And I see that the Town Manager wants a leveled funded budget. Wow! Something is wrong here. Don't call our cops for help please we have enough of our own shit, that's why I waited over an hour and a half for them to quiet our neighborhood when I called this weekend.

  8. It seems like Larry Kelley feeds off the news of the youth and nothing else, as if it were some savory dessert. There are a lot more exciting things out there for someone like you that following around young adults...(creepy). Nothing but attacks on college students who go out and enjoy themselves. Yes, there are plenty of things that have happened that should not have, but this is not the only school in America. Theres tons of other schools where the things that you document here on your sacred blog that would seem nothing but minuscule.

  9. The idea of these raves is that it is very hot

    Be in a hot environment, take drugs that cause your body to overheat, and then exercise.

    Am I the only one who sees this as a not so good thing?

  10. Interestingly, the ambulance pictured, captioned "AFD responded to the scene for an over intoxicated student" was in response to an unrelated call involving an intoxicated student on a PVTA bus and had no connection to the event being held. Larry makes a real effort to make these kids look bad.

  11. Yeah and I was also the shooter on the grassy knoll.
