Monday, October 20, 2014

Another Unattended Death @ UMass

 At 7:45 PM only two police vehicles were on scene


UPDATE 10:30 AM  NorthWestern District Attorney spokesperson Mary Carey confirms no foul play suspected in last night's unattended death at McNamara Dorm:

 Click to enlarge/read

Original Post midnight last night:

UMPD and State Police are investigating the "unattended death" of a female student at McNamara Dorm in the Sylvan Residential area of UMass that occurred early Sunday night.

The body was first discovered around 7:30 PM. Although AFD was called to the scene, they did not attempt transport to a hospital.

UMPD and the state Crime Prevention And Control (CPAC) unit were on the scene until around midnight.  The family of the deceased was escorted by UMPD to a nearby hotel.

By 9:00 PM another three police vehicles were on scene


  1. Sylvan has ALWAYS been an unhealthy residential environment -- it was designed for medical students.

    Those rooms were supposed to all be singles, with the UM Worcester Med School being across the street -- and that would have been something quite different.

  2. What is the expected number of deaths one would expect from a population this large of this age?

  3. I would guess one or two per year is not extraordinary.

  4. People are always bashing Sylvan are the ones that have not experienced living here. Yes, it would be nicer if it was a bit closer to the main part of campus. But I live in Sylvan and its a great place. I actually enjoy the singles and nice to have privacy and my own room. People that have not experienced living in the area have no idea what it is like. I love it here, you make close connections with people in your suit than a standard corridor style. It's not "UNHEALTHY".

  5. Don't worry, that's just good ol poser Dr. Ed. He thinks he's an expert on anything Umass.
    Listen but don't retain anything he writes. Sometimes he's just plain funny to listen too...

  6. A message sent out this afternoon to the campus community today gave the name of the student who died: Chloe Malast.

    Condolences to her family and friends.

    from the UMass Student Affairs Office:

    To the Campus Community:

    It is with sadness that I write to inform you of the death of Chloe Malast. Chloe passed away over the weekend in her McNamara Hall room.

    Since this death was unattended, the state medical examiner’s office will conduct an autopsy to determine the official cause of death, but you should know our residence halls are safe and secure.

    Chloe was from Needham and was a member of the Commonwealth Honors College. University support staff have been in direct contact with Chloe’s family and friends.

    We extend our sincere condolences to Chloe’s family and friends and want to affirm our commitment to creating a caring community by offering these resources for students, faculty and staff:

    • Center for Counseling and Psychological Health,(413) 545-2337, 127 Hills North

    • Office of Religious and Spiritual Life,(413) 545-9642, 308 Student Union

    • Dean of Students Office,(413) 545-2684, 227 Whitmore

    • Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, (413) 545-0350, Second Floor, Middlesex House

    David C. Vaillancourt
    Senior Associate Dean for Campus Life

  7. "I actually enjoy the singles and nice to have privacy and my own room."

    I was wrong and I will admit it.

    As I understand it, there used to be two students in those rooms, not just one. As far back as the '90's, front-line administrators (ARDs & RDs) were urging for those rooms to be made into singles We were discussing these things at Housing Services Staff Meetings -- and the week-long Intersession Training and the rest.

    A couple of my colleagues researched Sylvan for one of their courses and they discussed their findings at a staff meeting. The point they made was that Sylvan had been intended for the Med School which went to Worcester for political reasons, and hence Housing "inherited" Sylvan which was NOT conductive to the 2 roommate format.

    It's been years, but what I remember was them saying how erriely similar the Housing folk in the '70s were saying the same things they were then in the '90. I'm not a fan of Eddie Hull, but I will give him credit for making those Sylvan rooms into singles.

    It's not "UNHEALTHY".

    I'm quoting what a UM Psycholgist from what is now CCPH told us in a closed0door staff meeting. In her professional opinion, Sylvan was "unhealthy." She may be wrong...

    I do believe that Sylvan has had a higher per-capita suicide rate over the years. That may be because of self-selection though -- depressed students wanting some place isolated and quiet.

    He thinks he's an expert on anything Umass.

    I was sharing some things I had been told by people with titles. And, again, I admit it: I WAS WRONG -- I hadn't heard about the singles.

  8. What is the expected number of deaths one would expect from a population this large of this age?

    Ask for a copy of the UHS Death List -- they keep track of everything that a student has died ov over the past 5 years and will give you a copy (without names) if you ask. Or at least, they gave one to me when i did.

    Memory is that it is about 10-12 per year. 3-4 MVAs, 3-4 chronic diseases/cancers, some opiate overdoses, and then the esoteric stuff.

  9. want to affirm our commitment to creating a caring community

    "Caring community" !!!!

    • Center for Counseling and Psychological Health,(413) 545-2337, 127 Hills North


    • Office of Religious and Spiritual Life,(413) 545-9642, 308 Student Union

    The old UM Republican Club Office... They may be OK over there -- I'd want to know who is over there -- but see below for what I'd recommend.

    • Dean of Students Office,(413) 545-2684, 227 Whitmore

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Seeking help from them would be like asking someone with Ebola to cook your meals for you...

    • Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, (413) 545-0350, Second Floor, Middlesex House

    They actually are on my recommend/trust list -- not only do they operate with a completely different mindset than CCPH, but you have a shitload more rights with them because you are an employee and they can't just fire you the way that CCPH can arbitrarily kick you out of school.

    What sucks is that they aren't (or weren't) available to ALL employees -- you had to have a TA.

    David C. Vaillancourt
    Senior Associate Dean for Campus Life

    I wan tto cry. There used to be good people in that office.

    Ed's Recommendations:

    Newman Center. Chabaud House. That funky church out by where the Frat Houses aren't anymore.

    I have seen so many more better outcomes from these folks than CCPH that they became my FIRST recommendation. In most cases, you are better off with someone who answers to God than to the DSM...

  10. I am so sorry for this poor girl and her family. I seriously doubt it had anything to do with the building. I lived in Cashin (in Sylvan) about 20 years ago, and it was a "healthier residential environment" than any of the other dorms I lived in in Central or Southwest. The "suites", especially baths serving only a few rooms were much cleaner and seemed safer than the open hallways and large restrooms of the larger dorms. Also the suite doors could be locked which gave better security. At that time there was only one "single" per suite, usually occupied by a senior.
