Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Planning Board 9/3, David Webber Chair (center)

The Amherst Planning Board & Zoning Subcommittee will have to reschedule tomorrow's meeting due to late posting with the Town Clerk.  Although now that The Retreat is dead, the Planning Board will have lots of free time on its hands, and less likely to make these kind of rushed scheduling errors.

At last week's 9/3 meeting the PB pretty much acknowledged the controversial "Inclusionary Zoning" (affordable housing) bylaw that was suddenly pulled from last spring's Town Meeting due to business community concerns, will not be ready for the upcoming fall Town Meeting, as promised.

It also doesn't help that the nine-member board has a vacancy that needs to be filled by the Town Manager. 

Public agendas (posted on time) are important because they give the general citizenry a heads up with issues that may be important to them.

And again, with the demise of The Retreat, we see how citizen pressure at pubic meetings can bear fruit.

Although at times, a very bitter fruit.

UPDATE (2:30 PM):


  1. Larry, you ain't nothing but a hound dog. Get off these poor peoples' asses, alright!

  2. Sorry this is not related, but does anyone know why today's Gazette article on the dog bite story was so cryptic? Who was holding out information on the dog owner? What is going on with this?

  3. Ripping ourselves offSeptember 9, 2014 at 10:43 PM

    "Larry, you ain't nothing but a hound dog. Get off these poor peoples' asses, alright!"

    And you want that why, exactly?

    -Squeaky Squeaks

    p.s. Never mind, we know why.
