Tuesday, September 9, 2014

An Unattended Death

Body recovered on north side of Amity Street/West side of U Drive in the woods

Click to enlarge/read


A huge police presence this morning at the busy intersection of University Drive and Amity Street near Rafters indicated something serious was amiss.  An unattended death in the woods over on the UMass side of the intersection was the reason.  Sadly, a possible suicide. 

AFD was on scene, but not much for them to do

Since the tragedy occurred on UMass property (immediately abutting Amherst and Hadley) there was a large number of UMPD personnel on scene as well as APD detectives, patrol officers, Captain Jennifer Gundersen and even Chief Scott Livingstone.

No confirmation about either the cause of death or the identity of the person, but it could be related to yesterday's highly publicized case of a missing Amherst woman.  

Hadley PD also assisted with traffic control


  1. way to spread rumors Larry...

  2. Notice how Larry didn't even show the story on his blog as a means to publicize this missing person.

    He's in it for himself. Don't kid yourself.

  3. I hope you leave your original post up when it gets out who was found... I see absolutely no reason to speculate and link the two together at this point.

  4. Do you have some sort of info to back up your claim of suicide....if you don't then please don't make up "news" if you want to be taken seriously as a journalist. And I am a big supporter of yours; but unless you have info please wait for an official word from the investigators.

  5. Larry The Nosey Neighbor says:
    I am the only one who knows everything, just like my Irish mother did.
    Yeah, right Larry.
    Go back to the bottle like the rest of the family...

  6. Larry,

    While walking my dog early this morning, I noticed a tiny black bear turd smeared on the asphalt. As I approached it I thought: "heh, look at that pathetic little turd." I then easily stepped over it and haven't thought of it since.

    I hope you share similar sentiment towards some of the turds leaving cruel comments here like anon 2:40 and carry on.

  7. hey 2:40 pm,

    That bottle comment is pretty nasty (and doesn't even make sense in the context). And of course, like so many other people who come on here to say mean things, you can't attach your name to it. That says more about you.

  8. There is no good way to cover a story like this. This is an individual's blog, not Reuters. Give Larry a break.

  9. Anonymous 2:25 PM

    This blog is not serious objective journalism. It's one man's commentary on local events.

    Has Larry ever claimed otherwise?

  10. Has Larry ever claimed otherwise?

    Uh... only at every opportunity.

  11. If you don't want to be a news headline, then don't commit suicide.

    What is (and will be) lost in all of this is that a lot of other people, who had every bit as much reason to (if not more), didn't do this. We will hear about her and not they, her trials and turmoil will be viewed as legitimate while theirs be ignored, the shame will be on they and not her.

    Phoebe Prince was not the only girl with ADHD to endure bullying in school, nor the only girl whose bullying was ignored by the school authorities, nor even the most brutally bullied -- yet she is seen as a victim while other girls are not.

    Other girls with ADHD see her being rewarded for taking the cowardly way out of a bad situation, something they had the courage not to do. She, not they, are addressed in law -- laws against bullying instead of ones requiring social support for students with ADHD -- and only the dead come out ahead.

    I'm speaking of Phobee Prince, whose death we know to be a suicide, someone that there is a great deal of evidence to suggest had ADHD, and whose bullying was a "textbook example" of the bullying that children with ADHD are almost inevitably subjected to.

    I know neither if this woman committed suicide, nor if she did, her reasons for doing so.

    Nor do I care.

    This is a free country, we have an inalienable right to our lives, our liberty, and our pursuit of happiness -- and I'm of the opinion that the rights created by the Roe v. Wade decision includes a right to kill yourself. A right to privacy that outweighs the right of the state to prevent you from killing yourself.

    So if she did kill herself -- and we owe it to her to determine that she was the victim of neither murder nor mishap (e.g tripping on a vine and hitting her head on a large rock) -- we need to condemn her the way those who commit suicide historically have been.

    It was her life and her body, she had the right to do with it as she pleased, and I have the right to condemn her for it.

    In many jurisdictions, death from suicide now exceeds death from OUI -- and that's without even wondering how many OUI fatalities themselves are suicides....

    We are a culture of life, not death, we need to idolize those who don't take the coward's way out...

  12. Every post and comment on this blog disgusts me. This is a college town. College kids drink. College kids party. They have sex, do drugs, get into fights, and vandalize. I am a current UMass student and don't condone the destructive behavior, but stuff like this happens at every college campus all across America. You, Larry Kelley, are tarnishing the town of Amherst with your rude, biased comments about the students.

  13. Ed, that is the single most inappropriate post I've ever read.

  14. that is the single most inappropriate post I've ever read.

    I don't care. I really don't --- If you don't want to be anews headline, don't commit suicide...
