Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Wrong Car To Run Off The Road

Amelia Houghton, age 26, stands before Judge LoConto

So if you are driving with double the legal limit for Blood Alcohol Concentration the last person you want to almost run into head on is an Amherst police officer.

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday, in one of the fastest dispositions to a drunk driving case I have ever seen, Amelia Houghton, age 26, copped a plea in front of Judge Christopher LoConto.  The standard 1st offense 24D disposition will result in loss of license for 45 days, up to $1,500 in fines and driver ed costs and one year probation.

In other words the serious charges are Continued With Out Finding for one year, and if she stays out of trouble, they are dismissed.


  1. I've been thinking how the degeneracy of society was made possible by the surplus wealth. Which is, incidentally, going away.

    Americans have only known a cornucopia since the 50's. This is what is called "the Postwar Period" (post World War II, that is).

    Notice how they make a lot more movies about WWII than any other war? The World War II glorifiers are like the high school varsity football champ who is 50 years old and fat but still wears his varsity jacket from his winning year in 1982.

    By the way, do you follow peak oil and the money crisis? The money crisis is going to change everything. THis culture is based on cornucopia, and that's why people are so degenerate.

    Come visit me in Connecticut some time. I'm about 1.5 hours away from you -- take the Mass Pike to Worcester, hang a right onto 395 South to the casinos. I'm before the casinos. Email me and I'll send you details. I got a huge garden, I'm preparing for doom. It's awesome!

  2. Amherst folks seem to appreciate the alcohol a little much, what gives, why so many alcohol related criminals locally?
