Monday, July 7, 2014

Downtown Retro

Metacomet Cafe, 27 South Pleasant Street

After teasing the downtown for well over a year with their nifty, retro "Metacomet Cafe" sign, it looks like the classic sandwich burger shop is set to open within a month, in plenty of time for the resurgence in population that happens every Labor Day weekend in this college town.

The Amherst Select Board this evening unanimously approved their Common Victualler License although they will still need an occupancy permit from the building commissioner.  The operation, run by brothers Spencer and Trevor Hopton, will be open seven days a week from 11:00 AM until 11:00 PM.

World's greatest hamburger


  1. Took them this long to open. What drive. Gone in a few months.

  2. Actually they had family problems which are now resolved.

  3. Haven't seen a soul in that place, not then, not now. I figured with the hefty rent they were just trying to create a loss somewhere.

  4. Wow. Any of you anons ever run a business or have a job for that matter? IT TAKES A LONG TIME TO OPEN A BUSINESS.

    I applauding the owners for jumping through the right hoops, and hope that they succeed.

  5. I agree it does take a long time to open a business, but Amherst takes it to a whole new level and always has. They don't just have hoops they have the whole damn circus LOL!
