Thursday, July 31, 2014

MCAD Complaint Filed Against ARPS

ARHS: at peace on a summer day

So yes the NY Times probably would not use that headline without "on the record" corroboration from at least two reliable sources.

My two reliable sources divulged the information "off the record".  And if that was all I had, you would not now be reading this.

But ARPS did react to my public documents request in such a way as to confirm (sort of) that a "complaint" has been filed. 

Now if the Schools had a clever PR flack they would have responded, "We can neither confirm nor deny the existence of such a document, but feel free to take it up with Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination directly.  Good luck with that!" 

Naturally MCAD public documents folks are right up there with the Registry of Motor Vehicles when it comes to responsive service.  As of today I have not heard back from my 7/15 written request or numerous phone messages. 

Yes, Massachusetts Public Documents Law does require some sort of official response within 10 days, not that the Attorney General is going to want to mess with MCAD.

I have confirmed that the suit is not from the Akalis family seeking retribution over the terrible treatment of their son Dylan or the absurd firing of his dad, Steve.

Could be the family of the white youth who was "aggressively and seriously assaulted" by black students sometime last spring, but since they did not want APD to know about or investigate the assault, not overly likely.

Let the speculation begin ...

The Amherst Pelham Regional School Committee went into Executive Session at their circus-like  6/24 meeting to discuss strategy to deal with MCAD complaint


  1. It's Gardner, gotta be. Unbelievable.

  2. The most important question on MCAD's Frequently Asked Questions page:

    How much money am I entitled to if I win?
    If your case results in a finding of discrimination, you may be awarded attorney's fees, back pay, front pay, emotional distress damages, and/or interest. The amount to be paid to the person who experienced discrimination varies depending on the nature of the case and how severe the discrimination was. Payments can range from hundreds of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  3. Thank God, because things were starting to quiet down a bit around here.

    Can't have that.

  4. Not necessarily Gardner.

    Anyone remember on whom I speculated upon at the time? And why the letter of reprimand explicitly stated the administrator's race?

  5. Time to fire the entire school administration and start fresh. Geryk proves how bad she is every week. A fish stinks from the head down and the entire fish is rancid at this point. The Amherst school administration is a disaster. How much longer can this circus go on.

  6. Hang on, Ed. I need to go to my copy of "The Annotated Dr. Ed" to find your particular wild speculation on this point.

  7. absolute power corrupts absolutely, especially among sheep.

  8. Larry,

    Why is there a picture of the high school at the top of this post? That suggests that the complaint involves the high school, but you have no information to suggest that is the case. All you know is that it's the school district. It's misleading to include that picture.

    Perhaps you are simply hoping that it is the high school.

  9. Tell ya what Nina, you tell us exactly who, what, when, where and why concerning the complaint and I will be happy to change the photo to fit your report.

    But thanks for the (sort of) additional corroboration.

  10. I'm not corroborating anything. Teachers would not be informed of the filing of such a complaint.

    I just think it's curious that you often use a picture of the high school to represent the district as a whole. Based on your limited information, it should simply be a picture of the central office.

  11. The administration knows by now that Larry will print stories related to a request for public information. They clearly are making a choice to keep the information confidential for whatever reason and feel the resulting speculation is a better alternative to the possible ramifications of bringing to light the real issue.

    And so the games continue on......

  12. Steve Akalis gets fired and the father of the kid who bullied Steve's kid gets a promotion and a nice raise from the same school district. Figure it out cubby.

  13. Glad I no longer have to attend the crack school district ARPS has become. As someone who spent K-12 in Amherst schools I can't remember things being as messed up as they are now (though admittedly I had been oblivious to things administration related until sometime after I graduated and started really paying attention to town going-ons, and was able to thoroughly detach myself from situations and examine them more objectively.)

    Does anyone really believe that the PR specialist they're (trying to? or definitively going to?) bring in will actually help?

  14. I wonder if it has anything to do with the promotions of Custard and Sadiq. What the hell is Geryk thinking on this one? Congratulations on another step backwards.

  15. Only in Amherst can a convicted bank robber get a job working with kids ...while parents who want to volunteer have to pass a CORI...and i have know parents with a misdemeanor (from years ago) not allowed to volunteer.

  16. I wonder if it has anything to do with the promotions of Custard and Sadiq. What the hell is Geryk thinking on this one?

    I understand the rationale -- I don't know if one or both filed the MCAD complaint or if someone else did (white males need not bother, no matter how egregiously they are discriminated against) but promoting a victim is a common means of mitigating damages.

    Oh, and Nina, in saying "[a]ll you know is that it's the school district" you CONFIRMED that one WAS filed against "THE SCHOOL DISTRICT."

    Nina, if you ever commit a crime, do yourself a favor and don't talk to the police unless you wish to confess because you inevitably will....

  17. That was kind of funny.

    Just imagine the stories we could get if I fed her a few beers ...


  18. i have know parents with a misdemeanor (from years ago) not allowed to volunteer.

    They ought to petition to get it "sealed" which means it doesn't show up on the CORI anymore and then reapply -- Team Maria is REQUIRED to go with what is on the CORI now (and in big time criminal trouble if they reveal what used to be on it -- at least according to the CORI people in Chelsea).

  19. Larry, do you know it is only one complaint? Could there be more than just one?

    I would file a formal appeal of the denial of your sunshine request -- where does it say that the fact that a different custodian may have a different record with substantially the same information constitutes grounds for a denial?

    This would be like asking the district for Maria G's name -- the name of the Superintendent is clearly public information -- and them responding that you need to go ask the DECE for it. Yes, DECE has it and would give it to you -- but that's irrelevant, you have the right to ask the district.

    And you want to ask for "any and all" complaints filed because my guess is that there may be more than one...

  20. At this point, as of now, I know it's only one complaint.


  21. Just imagine the stories we could get if I fed her a few beers ...

    I'm more thinking a deposition. THAT would be interesting...

    I also find it quite interesting that this is on the state (MCAD) and not Federal (OCR/EEOC) level -- I kinda know what the Feds are going to say when they hear about the lovely quagmire in Amherst.

    I just wonder who's gonna get the "target letter" first -- Maria or Enku....

  22. I know it's only one complaint.

    Know it is only one -- or only know OF one?

    The way that place is going, and the way MCAD works, there could well be a half dozen more that Team Maria haven't heard about yet...

  23. Can an individual file an MCAD complaint against the APD?

  24. Your letter to the school admin says a complaint was filed against the ARPS, and your letter to MCAD says against Amherst Regional School Committee. Is there a difference, and do you know which the lawsuit was filed against?

  25. Well the Regional School Committee oversees the region so I assume they were named in the complaint, but as far as I know, it was filed against ARPS in general.

  26. Can an individual file an MCAD complaint against the APD?

    Yes -- but I believe you technically have to file it against the Town of Amherst.

    Far more lucrative would be a 46 USC 1983 "Violation of Civil Rights Under Color of Law" suit, particularly if you got the FBI involved.

    Of course, it does help if there is merit to the complaint...

  27. Ladieeeees and gentlemen, the complete morons!August 1, 2014 at 4:11 PM

    I think I deserve a plaque on the common.

    Plant a friggan tree, whatever...

    If not, ~at least~ name one of Ronny Moronowicz's tennis courts after me.

    I mean Chrrrrrist, it's the least you fckers can do.

    You're welcome.

    -Squeaky Squeaks

  28. "I wonder if it has anything to do with the promotions of Custard and Sadiq"

    Wait- The article I read didn't mention Mary Custard moving into one of the new positions-

    What promotion did she get? (Reward for mishandling the bullying incident)

  29. For those of us who missed it what promotions did Custard and Sadiq get. Larry do you know what type of pay raise they received?

  30. Custard did not get a promotion. Talib Sadiq and Maureen Flemming did. They have become "Climate Control Coordinators".

    And no, I don't think that means they are in charge of the HVAC system.

    Flemming goes from FY13 pay of $70,068 up to new salary of $81,347; and Sadiq goes from FY13 salary of $54,395 all the way up to $78,861.

    Mary Custard simply remains as Dean of Students, presumably still making her FY13 salary of $74,789.

  31. "Climate Control Coordinators."

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

    Just when I think things can't possibly get any more bizarre, they do. Wow....

    And when (I don't think it will be an "if" anymore but a "when") some bullied White kid walks into the school with a gun and tragedy ensues, what will the ever-intrepid "climate control coordinators" have to say THEN?

    It's gonna happen boys 'n; girls -- you've already had BOMBS in the high school -- anyone remember that? OK, instead of a gun, a kid brings another bomb in and this time detonates it.

    If this insanity is not stopped, something really bad is going to happen...

  32. Larry,

    I saw the announcement for Carol Ross as a Media & Climate Communications Specialist. Is Carol working with Sadiq and Flemming or do they work for her?

    Also if I understand this position or positions this is a continuation of the acceptance that we can not all get along and the ombudsman is not working as well as we were being told.

    Love the continuation of how the Administration keeps throwing money at the problems. Giving Sadiq a raise of $24K or 45% is not going to keep budget cost down. Worse he is not doing teaching.

    If you want to level the playing field for the low income minority groups start teaching them skills and stop teaching them how to attend rallies.

    Or maybe teach them how to become Amherst Regional School employees and they can get paid top dollar, while navigating the minefield of state mandates, crazy towns people, all the while not being held accountable for anything.

  33. You don't have a choice anymore.August 2, 2014 at 3:23 PM

    Aw, what a quaint little village.

    Reminds one so much of the old country.

    Of its wolves and donkeys.

    Now remember.

    Remember and dance.

    -Squeaky "the rat" Squeaks

  34. The advancement of personnel and the hiring of Carol Ross are a continuation of some of the final steps the faculty and admin have been working on based on the work of Ron Ferguson. Hiring and involving the town in the efforts are part and parcel of the formula.

    If they didn't follow through on all the steps Ferguson's work recommends, and on the important work a lot of staff and faculty having been doing and learning about based on Ferguson's work for a long time now, there would surely be residents complaining about that, too.

  35. Are you saying the cccs and Carol Ross are the culmination of the plan? I hope you are not someone in the know......

    Looks like another Kurt post.

  36. "We are doing away with deans but Mary Custard will remain a dean"

    Hopefully Maureen will assist Mary Custard with her warped view of all white male students.

  37. I hope you are not someone in the know......

    The Achievement Gap work isn't a secret, you silly goose!
