Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I Fought The Law

 Yeshaq Warren, in chains, is sworn in before Judge John Payne

Yeshaq Warren is back on the streets he calls home (alternating between Amherst and Northampton streets) after Judge Payne denied a 58A, too-dangerous-to release, request from the District Attorney's office in the most recent incident of allegedly pulling a knife on a senior citizen in downtown Amherst.

Mr. Warren is what is known as a "frequent flyer" in cop lingo, arrested innumerable times over the past few years. 

During the hearing two Amherst police officers testified about the most recent Amherst incident where Warren is alleged to have assaulted William Lovett, a senior citizen who lives near the Bangs Center where the alleged assault occurred.

But under cross examination by Amherst Attorney Daniel Sandell, one of the officers acknowledged Mr. Lovett was not wounded and no knife was recovered.

The officers further testified that only one 911 call was made, while about 20-30 people were present at the Bangs Center around the time of the alleged incident, and no other witnesses came forward to corroborate the attack.

Mr. Lovett was a problematic witness as he had trouble answering the very first question put to him by the ADA, "How old are you?".  

The 58A would have allowed the Commonwealth to keep Yeshaq Warren locked up without opportunity for bail, for 90 days. But at least there were "conditions":

Remain out of Amherst, stay away from Bangs Center, no contact with William Lovett, curfew from 9:00 PM until 6:00 AM, report to Probation Department once per week, no drugs or alcohol (with screening to ensure.)


  1. Ridiculous. I have seen this guy walk around with a machete, walk in the middle of the road while throwing things at cars. Then throw his shoes and rocks at the police when they got their. I saw him try to knock over a motorcyclist who passed him while he was in the middle of the road and I've seen him screaming at people with knife in hand. I feel bad that he is that crazy but that's just it. He's crazy!!! Not safe to be around

  2. Camila Carpio's accusation against the APD and her plea for this innocent man is back online:

    "Urgent Solidarity Calls Needed Now!
    Tuesday July 22, 10:56 pm

    At approximately 9:51pm Yeshaq Warren was approached by three police officers on bridge street in Northampton, MA. He was immediately transported to Amherst Police Department. W...e believe officers are attempting to pin him with an incident that happened earlier today in Amherst, despite several witnesses coming forward to say that he was in Northampton and then Springfield.

    He is currently being held on $1,000 bail and is being charged with assault with a knife. Officers intend to move him to the Northampton County House of Corrections.

    If you are able, please call the Amherst Police Department to demand answers as to why this innocent man is being held. We also need court support tomorrow at Belchertown court at 8:30 am.

    Please call in and say the following:

    Amherst PD

    Hello, I am calling to learn why Yeshaq Warren is being held and why he was transported without contacting his lawyer.
    Witnesses can testify that he was not in Amherst all day so it is impossible that he involved in any altercation.

    If you are a member of the media or any organization state this as it may be helpful."

  3. "I feel bad that he is that crazy but that's just it. He's crazy!!!"

    Wait, you talking about the residents of Amherst and it's government?

  4. No, Graff, talkin' about the parents from other towns who choice their kids into the Amherst Schools that they despise so much.

  5. Once again:

    Crazy People Walk the Streets.

  6. Their game is milking you dryJuly 29, 2014 at 8:43 PM

    "Camila Carpio's accusation against the APD and her plea for this innocent man is back online"

    That friggan itch's got enough to worry about.


    -Squeaky Squeaks


    Don't forget, according to Rick Hood, all us white's is racist.


    God, what a friggan dump.

  7. You'd be incorrect as Mr. Graff does not choice his kids into Amherst.

  8. We're all God's children, even Walter.

  9. I wonder who put Yeshaq up to running for Select Board, it's hard to imagine him deciding to do that on his own.

  10. This guy is in town often yelling and trying to start fights. Last week he was in front of Judies running back and forth yelling at people walking by trying to engage them. He started to kick the light posts and kicked over one of the sandwich board signs in front of Starbucks just as a guy walked by him with a dog that looked to be a pitbull mix. The dog was startled and started to bark aggressive at this fool. Like all bullies he ran scared down the road. Dog +1

  11. Imagine a White kid doing half of this -- think there would be a shortage of 911 calls or anything else?

    Doesn't that sorta abate the "racism" allegations?

    Oh, and Larry, wasn't I right on the other thing? That landlord doesn't pay taxes either...

  12. Going broke, or bust!July 30, 2014 at 6:36 PM

    ""all us white's [sic] is racist"?"

    Won't you please,




    please won't you be

    my copy editor?

    -Squeaky Squeaks

    p.s. I am snow white, I ~swear~ to god.


  13. It's too bad this guy's court-appointed attorney sees getting his client turned loose as being what's best for him. If your client shows up at his hearing in shackles and has difficulty answering simple questions like 'what's your name' there's little to debate about whether he might need to be further evaluated.

  14. This woman is free right now.


    crazy people walk the streets.

  15. I've know this guy for years. Trouble for sure, a coward but a dangerous one. Waiting for him to get put away, to be honest.


  16. www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2014/07/springfield_woman_admits_to_pe.html#incart_m-rpt-1

    Why should any of us care if she is bipolar, skitz or anything else.

    I say lets tie her to a tree on the town common and have at HER with a blowtorch and see how SHE likes it. That'd sorta discourage this kind of thing....

  17. "It's too bad this guy's court-appointed attorney sees getting his client turned loose as being what's best for him."

    It is the duty of his attorney to advocate for him, not to decide what is best for him.

    If your client shows up at his hearing in shackles and has difficulty answering simple questions like 'what's your name'

    Keith, if YOU were presented under such circumstances, how well would YOU be doing?

    there's little to debate about whether he might need to be further evaluated.

    It is the job of the JUDGE to make that decision, it is the job of the prosecutor to advocate that the judge make such a decision -- it is not the job of defense counsel to do this.

    Same thing with defense in general, it isn't that person's job to find out if the defendant is guilty or not -- and that is the slippery slope you go down when you have defense counsel doing something other than defending clients.
