Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sweet New Location

Now open for business @ 19 North Pleasant Street

The Glazed Doughnut Shop -- literally owned by a Mom and Pop -- successfully debuted this morning in their new location almost dead center in the heart of the downtown, and they only lost one day of business during the entire transition. 

Who doesn't like doughnuts!

Owners Nick and Keren Rhodes, local Amherst Regional High School sweethearts now also married to their small business, had to move from their former location down the street at the Carriage Shops (233 North Pleasant) after only 18 months due to an impending sale of the entire complex.

 Flat panel menu signs

While they had to leave behind an expensive commercial kitchen hood, fortunately their new location had Amherst Creperie (and J. Jumbo's) as a tenant, and they left behind a bigger, better unit.

Commercial kitchen hood with built in fire suppression

A nifty new neon outdoor sign will be installed within the next week.  But for now the aroma of freshly made doughnuts will be enough to attract downtown travelers.  

 And gather they will


  1. They make the best donuts I ever had!

  2. Time to bake the donuts :)

  3. I tried them when they opened in first location and the donuts where nothing to write home about. I'll give them another try.

  4. Best Donuts in Town

  5. Glad to see fellow ARHS grads make good in Amurst! Some of the best doughnuts I have ever had. my only complaint? The price of gluten-free, at $2 a doughnut

  6. The chocolate gluten free donuts are covered with ganache -- I just bought some and it's worth every penny. :)

  7. I still can't get over them having to abandon a lease and money they had in the old building, although i understand why they did.

    What are the consequences of Amherst having a town ordinance that prohibits any permits being issued to a property owner who fails to honor the leases of businesses in the building he seeks to demolish/change/whatever? A requirement that he meet his legal obligation to the contract or "buy out" the tenant?

    Just wondering....
