Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Clowns To The Left Of Me, Jokers ...

Ben Grosscup wielding a dangerous weapon

Just our luck that on 5/19 Ben Grosscup decides to show up for his only appearance thus far out of eight sessions of the 256th annual Amherst Town Meeting to sing in opposition of drones.


  1. Thats 2:31 of my life I will never gt back.

  2. Amherst is such a joke....its residents trodden upon the very democracy they claim to respect more than their neighbors like its a cheap door mat.

  3. What a loser. Amherst has a some very great people but is overridden with such losers. It's like a vacuum of those that should be institutionalized.

  4. The end of their poison empireMay 28, 2014 at 12:40 PM

    One of a thousand

    from Ponziville's box of tools.

    Over-coddled, when not being


    as a child.

    Incapable of fully transitioning

    into adulthood.


    and unable

    to fully mask jealousy

    and utter contempt for us all.

    A ~perfect~ example

    of the toxic culture

    which created him.


    -Squeaky Squeaks

  5. Some things need to be lost to history.

    Where's Rose Mary Woods when you need her?

  6. Brah ha ha ha ha!

  7. why is there so much attack on individuals going on? stick to the issues, not the people. it's mean.

  8. The issues are created by people.

  9. "This guy makes Ed seem almost rational."

    If you had been forced to associate with such persons over an extended period of time, well???

  10. This is a defining moment of town meeting, I think, when we really enter into the weird weeds. Maybe next time he can do a duet with Helen Berg?

    The fact that this loser never went to one meeting and only shows his face (accompanied by an unflattering voice) when he wants to make a mockery of the process. Dude, this isn't your stage for bad performance art. Put in some real hours like the town servant you pretend to be.

  11. I always suspected town meeting was more of a "show" than substantive decision making. Now I have no doubt.

  12. Honestly, I'm just getting more and more embarrassed to be from Amherst… and this is why I will never, ever run for Town Meeting. Too long, with a 100% chance of bloviation… We can't solve any problems because everyone's too busy thinking of something clever to say…

  13. Remember that time some guy brought a piece of the Berlin Wall to TM?

  14. Well that strikes me as appropriate.

  15. Why? Why is Amherst getting way beyond weird? This town is soon become the laughing stock of this Country! Sorry I forgot, it's been the laughing stock of the Country for quite some time now. Does anybody know what this guy does for a "real" job? Does this fruitcake even know what the real world is? He's seeking attention like a jealous nine year old. This makes me extremely embarrassed to even say i ever associated myself with the town (I graduated high school from ARHS, a great school back in the mid 90s, not so much now. Btw I have never, nor will I ever, live within the town boundaries), am thoroughly embarrassed to say I even know someone from this town.

  16. I'd rather say I'm from Orange, Turners z Falls, Athol or Ware than say I'm from Amherst.

  17. At least people in those old mill towns, namely Athol, Orange, Turners Falls and Greenfield, know what hard work is! Proud, patriotic towns! Where FOX news is watched every night of the work week! Even working a second shift at the mill won't keep these people from saluting the Red,White and Blue! Where American flags are flown on EACH 9/11, not every fifth 9/11! Where every child knows the Pledge of Allegiance! The opposite of what Amurst is!

  18. Anon 6:34

    Your feelings are spot on, except your conclusion. You left something out: they actually vote in there on things that matter to the people of the Town.

    This is why your excuse for not running is just that: an excuse.

    Some of the problem with Town Meeting is the people who are left to serve in there, when so many (like you) find excuses to opt out.

  19. Ben, remember to always keep your arms out. It'll make it harder for them to throw the net over you.

  20. "Here I am, stuck in middle with you"

  21. "Glad somebody got it."

    Larry, I assume you are aware that the "Clowns/Jokers" reference was/is an extremely derogatory reference to police officers -- and to their efforts to enforce municipal ordinances and such...

    Memory is that the band had such a reputation for performances which included both indecency and drug use that both "the Vice Squad" and "the Narcs" -- two different police task forces -- were standing offstage, each ready to arrest the band.

    Hence the "to the left of me" and "to the right of me" -- a clear and quite derogatory reverence sung to an audience that would have made the Barney Blowout Brigade appear well-behaved by comparison.

    Knowing your opinion of the Barney Blowout Brigade and their transgressions, I actually am surprised to see your use of this reference from the days of your youth. I think it is fair to say that, as a group, the college kids of 2014 are a hell of a lot better behaved than college kids were circa 1974...

  22. Actually that's not what I had in mind.

  23. Well that's where the song came from...

  24. Now he's going after your use of rock song references? That you failed to remember the original intent of the performers?

    There's a man with time on his hands.

  25. "There's a man with time on his hands."

    However, time is relative. As is the consumption thereof.

    Enough said?

  26. As Ed exhales a large beer induced buuuuurrrrp!!!

  27. While it takes assorted morons a month or more to realize what i really meant by time being relative.

  28. Sure Ed, reach into the cooler you wrote about and have another bud lite.....

  29. No, they'll never figure it out.
