Thursday, May 16, 2013

Got Him!

According to now confirmed scanner reports Amherst police bagged a perp, local resident Peter Jeffs, age 51, red handed around 2:30 p.m. on West Bay Road near the Eric Carle Museum driving a van loaded with stolen goods from a series of break-ins over the past week, some of them daring daylight deeds.

The suspect was arrested by Amherst police but turned over to Southwick PD based on probable cause in their jurisdiction.  APD will issue a statement early next week.  Stay tuned.

As many as a half dozen break ins, some where locked doors were kicked in, recently occurred all over Amherst as well as nearby Hadley, and not so nearby Southwick.

 Peter Jeffs, alleged scumbag

There is still much work to do building the case, but still good to know a brash thief has been taken off our streets.


  1. I wasn't even aware homes were being broken into. I feel lucky they've never bothered me. The thing with my home is they'd have to walk too far and have no good place to park, ....luckily. Rule of thumb, always park a car in the driveway so they can't get near the house, and have to stick their car near the street.

  2. larrys too busy whining about flags to "report" on things people in amherst might actually care about... like getting all their possessions stolen.

  3. Actually I'm W-A-Y ahead of my friends at the Gazette or Republican on this (yes, important) story.

  4. I recall Larry mentioning some break-ins in a recent post. But it kind of got lost in all the other stuff people were complaining about.

  5. Wow, nice car for the alleged thief. Oh, wait ...

  6. You can't blame this one on the UMass Students....

  7. Your point being what, Doctor Erectile Dysfunction?
