Thursday, April 25, 2013

Measuring The Damage

Alan Snow, Division Director Tree and Grounds for the town of Amherst, measures off the damage from last weekend's "Extravaganja" that attracted 6,000 pairs of feet to the town common.  

Mr. Snow confirms that our "loved to death" common will be reseeded after the town's "4th Annual Sustainability Festival" this Saturday.


  1. Perhaps off topic but you will like this:

    "The liberally educated person is one who is able to resist the easy and preferred answers, not because he is obstinate but because he knows others worthy of consideration."

    — Allan Bloom

  2. Really, it's being seeded after this Saturday? They aren't waiting for the town fair before reseeding? Who's brilliant idea was that?

    And I am looking forward to alot of hand wringing from you over the condition of the town common after the town fair. Or do you only wring your hands after an event that attracts mostly college age folks?

  3. Maybe we should not allow the fair this year, the damage from them is just awful

  4. The Fair, The Taste and the Craft Fairs all due damage and this is nothing out of the ordinary.

  5. Yes, and everyone who causes damage should pay to have it fixed.

    Just live everyone who parks in the downtown pays 50 cents an hour for the privilege.

  6. I'm actually surprised at how well the common recovers from what is one stampede of traffic after another as spring and summer approach. Whatever they are doing to keep it in shape, it's working.

  7. Yeah, Mr. Snow is not just a tree guy.

  8. We could just look at the common, have no gatherings of any kind on it, but I don't know what the point would be.

  9. I'm glad four of the town's geniuses are here to bat around this important topic.

  10. This just a cost that towns bear in order to attract events that bring people downtown. Consider it an investment.

  11. Isn't this work done by town employees that are already on the payroll? It's not like we are hiring them for this. Grass seed isn't exactly going to break the bank.

  12. Same can be said for parking in the downtown, where, if you play you pay.
