Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Most Deserving Honor

Stan Ziomek at the grand reopening of War Memorial Pool last summer

If institutional memory is worth its weight in gold then Stan Ziomek, with 89 years and counting under his belt, represents the motherlode.

Over 40 years as DPW Chief, one of the town's more hands on management positions, and sixty seasons of service to Amherst youth baseball, a program he founded, it would be hard to find someone who has shown more dedication to public service than Stan Ziomek.  Ever.

And the history of this town he loves so much stretches back a l-o-n-g way.

In addition to a scoreboard and playing field named in his honor, and being named Grand Marshall at the town's 250th Parade a few years back, the illustrious Select Board has designated this Saturday "Stan Ziomek Day" the only time in my institutional memory that such an honor has been bestowed.

In conjunction with that special day a banquet at the prestigious Marriott Courtyard hotel in Hadley -- "An evening to honor Stan Ziomek" -- will be held this Saturday at 6:00 PM.  Tickets are $75 and seating is limited.  Contact Tony Maroulis at the Amherst Area Chamber of Commerce ASAP and tell him Larry (a former Little Leaguer) sent you.


  1. As of this morning, only a handful of tickets left.

  2. Why was the baseball league set up? Sure people had a love of baseball that they wanted to share with young people, but that probably wasn't the only reason.

    If boys were playing baseball, they weren't throwing rocks through windows. If you gave the teenagers something positive to do, then the majority of them would, and then the cops could deal with the few who weren't.

    OK, if that worked for kids who were 15-18 years old, and you have a really big problem with kids who are 18-21 years old, well....

    And instead of hiring more cops and wringing your hands, isn't a clear answer to the problem right in front of you?

  3. There are sports offerings in this area for people past high school. Both on an off campus. What's your point Ed?

  4. Stan is the real deal. Great to see the town come together to recognize his contributions to literally thousands and thousands of us!
