Friday, March 22, 2013

Reminder of Tragedy

Dumpster fire Rolling Green 10:30 AM 

Unlike two months ago, AFD made short work of the contained fire this morning at Rolling Green Apartments, scene of a tragic death the last time AFD responded here for an actual fire.

And before they even had time to roll up the hose they were called to a (false) fire alarm at Morrill Science Bulding, UMass.

 Engine 1 packing up

Less than 100 yards away ...


  1. All it reminds me of is that spring is coming and so are weekly Dumpster fires at Hobart! Hotdogs and Smores for everyone!!

  2. Why do you even have a blog? First, you post a story/and or view point. Second, "Dr. Ed & Walter" make comments which you post. Why don't grow a pair and let others comment (and post) any and everyone else's opinion. Talk about a failed, gutless, want to be hack writer. Now I know why you are the biggest joke in Amherst.


  3. "Better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven."

  4. What, do you have a Bartlett's Quotations by your side for retorts?

  5. No, I have just been dealing with Cowardly Anon Nitwits like you for six years and I've heard it all before.

  6. Anon 3:43, Larry's willingness to post anyone's comments is amply proven. Your own remarks are a case in point.
