Saturday, March 23, 2013

Joys Of Ownership

The owner of this house on McClellan Street, just outside the heart of downtown Amherst, will be receiving a $10 ticket in the mail today courtesy of Amherst Parking Enforcement (pulling double duty) for not shoveling the sidewalk.

Fortunately the new Safe & Health Neighborhoods initiative will pack a little more sting when it comes to enforcement as Building Commissioner Rob Morra or his agents will have the authority to issue $100 per day fines  for non compliance. 

Amherst Building Commissioner Rob Morra (left)


  1. Is this a rental? And will privite homes get tickets with same punch?

  2. If I had to guess, I would say it's a rental.

    Safe & Health Neighborhoods working group recently voted NOT to exclude "owner occupied" units from the new regulations (after first proposing they be exempt).

  3. so is it the parking enforcement we report this to? Im really tired of walking in the road after every storm in some spots...

  4. Yes, but they are under the direction of APD so you may want to lodge your complaint with them (use the business line rather than 911).

  5. Fines for not shoveling the sidewalk used to be more in Amherst. $10 is not going to change much behavior unfortunately.

  6. I'm not quite sure I get it... is that a comment on behalf of all Crocker Farm PGO members?

    And why?

  7. Larry, if state law says that you can only have a $10 fine and that is why the fines had to be lowered, then how can you charge more?

    When you couldn't before.
