Friday, November 2, 2012

Don't Do The Crime ...

 Lady Justice (Don't you just love her sword?)

From: XX

Sent: Mon, Oct 29, 2012 12:58 am 
Subject: Privacy 

I am mentioned in your article about arrests this weekend. I would suggest that you take my name out before you get a call from my lawyer. Your misinformation is not only slanderous but also jeapordizing my future and career. Again I greatly appreciate your cooperation. 



-----Original Message-----
To: amherstac <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 1, 2012 12:09 pm
Subject: Only in the Republic of Amherst

Hello Larry,

My name is XY and It was brought to my attention the other day that I was written about in your blog under the article "Frightening Weekend Party Houses".  I noticed that you included my home address where my family lives in Boston.  I would like to respectfully ask you to take down my home address from your site, out of respect for my family's privacy which I value very highly.  I appreciate your cooperation and look forward to hearing from you. 


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 5:03 PM, Larry Kelley <> wrote:


You should have thought of that before you assaulted an Amherst Police officer (on top of all those other stupid things).



  1. Pretty sure "libelous" was the term he ment to misuse there. Go Umass.

  2. i thought people were innocent til proven guilty in this country? oh well, "Only in The Republic of Amherst" eh?

  3. I agree you shouldn't punish the boy's parents (in Boston) for his actions.

  4. I wish every zombie liberal an in the state of Massachusetts would read this post and DO THE RIGHT thing on November 7th!

  5. I plan to!

    Tony: It's a she. Funny thing is APD was so busy that night, as was the clerk magistrate, that she did not get bailed out until 7:45 AM the next morning, and on the way out the front door littered the main entryway to APD and was then given a ticket for littering.

    Adam: There are at least three other families in Dorchester with his surname. Is it fair for them to be punished, since the Gazette did not give an exact address but did give his name, age, and "Dorchester."

  6. Proof positive that your blog is not only relevant, but may be an even more effective deterrent than the monetary fines. Richard Marsh

  7. Yes, I can't imagine a corporation NOT doing a simply Google search on a prospective job candidate before offering a high paying position.

    And if all other things were equal except one candidate had been arrested for DUI, assault on an officer, or drunk & disorderly hooliganism ...

  8. Amherst resident said:

    So why did you take her name down?

    Isn't it tough sh*t for her that her name is public information after she gets drunk, acts stupid, or worse and gets arrested?

    Hey dumb college kid, Is this lesson #1 for you in the school of hard knocks? Better pay close attention then, or it will be the first of many such lessons.

    Life and the world could care less about your rep or your family's. When you do stupid sh*t that breaks laws in a society of laws, then you pay the price.

    End of lesson #1.

    Did you take notes because this is definitely on life's ongoing test?

    Lesson #2: If you continue to do stupid sh*t that gets you arrested, then you will spend time in jail. And again, who cares? Not me. There's plenty of people to care about who aren't getting stupid drunk and assualting cops and firefighters and littering in the police station.

    Jesus, kid, how dumb is that. You showed them, huh? How in the hell did somebody with such a clear lack of intelligence get into any college, let alone a strong institution like UMASS. Or are you one of the Amherst College Drunks?

    Smarten up, kid. Life is a lot better from this side of the cell bars.

  9. Hey Larry, I noticed in the Bulletin's police log a Amherst College student who was booked for DUI. The address provided is a residence at AC as apposed to his primary address, as always (I believe) is the case for UMass students. Why the preferential treatment, huh?

  10. Feel free to start your own blog and cover whatever you like. Or, start your own chapter of AA (Anons Anonymous).

  11. Larry, I think printing the student names is obviously getting their attention. Keep it up. The fines aren't doing jack as far as being a deterrent. I actually think some of these kids look at the fines as a badge of honor. Keep printing their addresses, here and wherever their home town is. Maybe the dumb asses will wise up and stop! Right on Larry!!!

  12. It does appear that our student friends think that Amherst is a land beyond space and time and accountability.

    They have "expectations of privacy" that can't be met.


  13. Printing the students name is fine, and it seems to attract teh students attention. But I am sure their parents were good parents, and because their son/daughter screws around with their new-found freedom shouldn't put them (the parents) at risk. I also would like the criticizers to think back to their college days and the stupid risks they undoubtedly took that their parents would be upset about. Maybe you didn't drink and drive or things that are so serious, but those individuals were punished. However if you did go to parties then you probably had a few rough nights you remember fondly as war-stories now; and you definitely had a few times throughout life where you got yourself into trouble which mom and dad wouldn't approve of.
    I am not justifying these students actions, but I am reminded of the phrase "let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

    Besides, the students move shortly after college usually, and can put any address down on an application. All 30/30 jobs I applied to post-graduation contacted me via phone/email, and I picked up my benefits package in person. My address is on file for tax purposes only.

    In short, I fail to see how a home address provides any deterrent to students. Names and age are enough, especially given employers can tell what institution troublemakers are from, and should really be all that is posted.

  14. You don't think it's a good idea to involve parents? Maybe the parents will say to the kid, "Hey, another episode like this and you can figure out how to pay for college all by yourself, because clearly your priorities are screwed up."

    If what was happening in Amherst were kids getting drunk and dealing with hangovers, then we're not having this conversation. But, no I don't have ANY war stories about rioting for the hell of it and assaulting cops and firefighters from the safety of a mob.

    These kids, and clearly it's a real minority of the total number of college students in town, seem to think we all did the crazy shit they are doing.

    Didn't happen that way, junior. Notice that we are not behind bars, and not carrying around a police records.

    But do go ahead and figure that out for yourself because the momentum in this town is finally moving and the university will be expelling more of you for this kind of mayhem.

    Remember, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out of town. And please don't come back.

  15. Involving a parent by posting an address is hardly the good idea, especially when the address won't be removed upon request. If I was a parent I would be extremely angry with my child, but it is up to me to punish them. I would be livid to find my address was posted because of my students extremely bad choice, even if it is public information. Is a parents feeling of security really worth it because of something they had no control over at the moment? I have no criminal record. I was ticketed for speeding once, and though later dismissed my parents were extremely upset at the moment. While assaulting an officer and the other crazy crimes are nowhere near the caliber of speeding it is up to the parents to rectify these actions too, and thus the punisher is being punished.
    As for your war stories, maybe you didn't have those moments, but I am sure the same percentage of students today misbehaving is the same, if not lower, than years ago. "ZooMass" was born of the seventies, eighties, and nineties. That is not the work of my generation of twenty-somethings, that's YOURS.

    Not to mention my two other, standing points. Students move out after school usually, and a name, age, and institution is enough to tip off any employer through a google to check into their background.

    Remember, don't forget your pills Senior, and to justify your arguments.

  16. I agree. We should not be publishing parents addresses. These students are adults and are solely responsible for their own actions. Leave the parents out if it.

  17. maybe someone should find your folks house and post pictures and addresses. after all, your folks need to be vilified for your actions.


  18. Oh the kids are responsible for their own actions? Why didn't somebody say so? Now we know where to start sending the tuition and fee bills since the parents are no longer responsible.

    Hey Storman Normin, You made all the way into your 20s, huh, son. What 8th grader did you pick on to get the nickname stormin?
