Monday, October 1, 2012

Party House of the Weekend

 1107 North Pleasant Street, Amherst

In addition to being assaulted with cans, bottles and pepper spray this past weekend, responding Amherst police officers also had to dodge beer poured from the second story of this humble abode just north of campus.

Yes, 1107 North Pleasant street is a repeat offender although the cars in the driveway are different from last year, so probably the perps are also different. Maybe the house is haunted and makes denizens act that way, or perhaps the landlord is lousy at screenting tenants.

Arrested late Friday night for Resisting Arrest and Underage Drinking:

Kyle Edward Darosa, 106 Edgement, Braintree, MA, age 19 (UMass student)

Arrested for Noise and Nuisance House:

Bryan Gudewich, 31 Meadow St, Lowell, MA,  age 21, (UMass student)
Adam Harrington, 21 Michael Ave,  Nashua, NH, age 21, (UMass student)
John Bulman, 7 Laurel Lane, Tyngsborough, MA, age 22, (UMass student)
William Collins, 9 Winter St, Tyngsborough, MA, age 21, (UMass student)


Another busy weekend for AFD with alcohol or drug overdoses (ETOH) and false alarms from UMass Frats 

AFD Weekend Run Summary 9-28-2012


  1. Why aren't the offenders getting arrested? Why aren't the houses getting padlocked?

    If there are no real consequences, the bad behavior will continue. Amherst has achieved a perfect storm situation: a town government which doesn't want to offend lawbreakers and their enablers.

    Assault on officers should bring down the wrath of God, not some piddly fines.

  2. These 5 offenders were arrested, as in hands cuffed behind their backs and then whisked to APD headquarters for booking.

    And you would think that experience alone would give them pause. Never mind the follow up appearance in court, probably today.

    But if there is no follow up consequences from UMass, some of the more hard core types seem to go right back to their bad behavior.

  3. Be careful, Mr. Kelly. You may get accused by some of unfairly sharing the names of the perps; even though the names are PUBLIC and in the newspaper. Ha!

  4. Yeah, I scare them a lot more since my digital traffic is greater than the Gazette ... and I'm a lot snarkier.


  5. So-

    10 Peckham Street
    Attleboro MA 02703

    What are YOU going to do about this situation?!?!?!??

  6. But if there is no follow up consequences from UMass, some of the more hard core types seem to go right back to their bad behavior.

    OK Larry, notwithstanding the multitude of legal questions, including a rather explicit memo from the CORI folks in Chelsea that explicitly states that the APD officers have to show up IN PERSON at any student judicial proceeding, let's say UMass kicks these kids out.

    Then what?

    They still have a lease that binds them to paying for and living in the unit until the end of the year. And now that they aren't in school, they have oh-so-much-more time to P*A*R*T*Y!!! And absolutely nothing to loose...

    And what are the consequences of that?

  7. I'm so sick of this crap. Especially in cases like the meadow st riot, I just don't understand why the cops don't tear gas the place and go in with nightclubs churning like airplane propellers. Hell, they kicked the shit out of us 35 years ago for PEACEFUL demonstrating!

  8. Maybe tha Attleboro Sun Chronicle ( be interested in the story about the Amherst party house owned by
    10 Peckham Street
    Attleboro MA 02703
    with a relevant link to Larry's blog.

  9. Not if they are subscribers.

    Newspapers these days do not wish to turn off a single reader and risk losing a subscription.

  10. UMass dishes out harsher penalties than the town does legally. Why do you think students move off campus when they are older? It's cheaper and more convenient. North apartments are nicer than any slum in the town, and you are surrounded by your fellow students.

    Perhaps those noise violations you backed so vehemently are as hollow as most of us on campus predicted them to be.

  11. Perhaps.

    But back up is coming soon with town meeting tweaking of the laws.

  12. Yeah, we can try and scare them, but we don't know if they know how much digital traffic there is. Right now they're just dealing with the courts and a lot of expensive fees, which maybe they deserve, but the state levies them to make up for taxes that others could be paying. These poor people hardly have a cent but are charged thousands, if they lose a license, or hire a lawyer.

    I think of the legislators and the PEOPLE of the commonwealth. They WANT a flagship university. They want academics, and a football team, and a basketball team. Instead of punishing these kids, what can we DO for them? Can we look beyond the law and order side of it? At least the university and the town have tried to. I would hate to be 18 again. As I write this, it seems like good material for the Gazette. Think whatever you want.

  13. Tom, I think the 'tipping point' has been reached and that the flagship university won't be in Amherst much longer. The Rubicon has been crossed and the bubble is going to burst.

    Forget being 18, try being a 30-something grad student, I am so kicking myself for not having transferred back when I had the opportunity because while school shouldn't be *about* fun, elsewhere is not the GULAG that UMass is.


  14. Poor Ed. Now he needs to disguise himself so people will read his posts.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Poor Ed. Now he needs to disguise himself so people will read his posts

    Or he had been working with Portland Cement all day and got a little careless with the keyboard. Of course, those who have never worked with their hands will never understand what I mean.

    The USAF has a saying -- "they are shooting at you because you are over the target" -- if I actually were half the things people allege me to be, no one would care about anything I wrote. I wouldn't have everyone coming out of the woodwork to call me names and the rest.

  16. You, Larry Kelley, are a lonely and depressed piece of dirt that needs to find a better hobby then tracking college kids and their houses. Luckily you have yet to find my house, but I will continue to let the masses come to drink and have fun. You don't even have to post this, just as long as you read it to know your living a pitiful excuse of a life, and students all around UMass will continue to PARTY hard every weekend and there is nothing you can do about it. I doubt you have children, but if you do, I hope they don' have to deal with some one like you when they are in there 20s

  17. Oh, I'm sure you will make my list of losers soon enough.

    And in such a way that I can use your name and address -- something that seems to make you a tad nervous.

    Yes I have two daughters, and when they are in their 20s they will indeed be dealing with me.

    Probably not for having anything to do with a loser like you, as I plan to raise them to understand and show respect.
