Saturday, September 1, 2012

"A groundswell of people"

On the night of September 10, 2001 during a two hour discussion about everything both good and bad our flag represents, the most over-the-top statement came from a UMass professor and town meeting member who sacrilegiously branded our flag "a symbol of terrorism and death and fear and destruction and repression."

As she returned to her seat, a grandmotherly flag supporter said sternly, "Shame on you!"

On the night of August 27, 2012 Select Board Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe did not even vote on my request to fly those flags on 9/11, instead opting to pocket veto the idea. And as part of the excuse Ms. O'Keeffe seems to suggest that nobody in town cares whether the flags fly this year or not.


Because I think she's wrong, and so does the media and every person I've encountered on the street over the past few days.

Just since Monday this sad story has been published with prominent placement in The Daily Hampshire Gazette, The Amherst Bulletin, Springfield Republican (note 100+ comments), WGGB Ch 40 and WWLP Ch 22 local TV, FoxNews national website and tomorrow morning on their national TV show, Fox and Friends.

And most sadly, one of the articles was picked up and published on the September 11th Families' Association website.

The Amherst Select Board routinely meets again on September 10, the eleventh anniversary of that infamous Eve of Destruction meeting. Let's hope they come to their senses and allow the commemorative flags to send a signal that in Amherst, like everywhere else in this great country of ours, we do care.



  1. I think that would be a great project for the BID to take on. What's to prevent each business along N Pleasant in the downtown- and maybe beyond- from displaying a flag in front of their entrance?

  2. Larry, there was one other person who spoke in favor of flying the flags on 9-10-01 and he paid a very high price for doing so -- and you know who he is.

    And it was a very high price -- delayed by what happened the next morning, but he still paid it.

  3. Can you use the professors name instead of linking her to UMass? I am ashamed to have any connection to such a coward.

  4. Jennie Traschen, who just happens to be a UMass professor.

  5. I feel they should fly on 9/11 every year. Why only every 5? It makes no sense to me. Seems like they want to change "We will never forget" to " We will remember every 5 years". Shame!

  6. Totally disgusted with the select board on this...TOTALLY DISGUSTED!!

  7. I don't understsnd what is the big deal. Why won't the SB approve of flying the flags on 9/11? Put them up for Labor Day and then leave them up thru 9/11. This is not rocket science.

  8. People like my wife and I don't complain to the board about issues like the flags, we moved to a town where the flags are part of an American tradition! Thank you Amherst for showing us how nice it is to live outside of the peoples republic of Amherst.

  9. I just heard about this even though it has been an issue for a number of years. Why on earth would you NOT fly the American flag on 9/11?? Every board member should be fired. As a citizen in another state, and proud that my city DOES fly it's flag on 9/11, if I'm ever in your area, I will certainly not be doing business of any kind in your city. You are all Americans 1st, and this tragedy profoundly changed this country... shame on you for not honoring those who died and those who now stand proudly as Americans.

  10. Does anyone else find it interesting that Ms. O'Keefe refused to allow a vote on this? It is certainly her right not to do so, and I'm certainly not making anyaccusations, but it strikes me as odd. For the past ten years there has been a vote, but suddenly this year there was none. Just thought I'd bring it up.

    Jeff Parr

  11. And it's also interesting that when I went before them a month ago during the 6:15 question period to request the Public Hearing I specifically suggested September 10 would be a fitting night, the eleventh anniversary.

    I'm now told that she refuses to put it on the agenda for their next meeting (September 10) because the atmosphere has become too vitriolic.

    All my fault naturally.
