Monday, August 13, 2012

Party House of the Weekend

 173 Pelham Road, Amherst

So yes, already it has begun -- even before the main army of youth returns to our little college town and turns it into a ... big city.  Well, almost.

Two houses were cited over the weekend for violating the anti-noise Town ByLaw (bringing a $300 fine per person) but the party house winner was easy to choose.  All women for one.

According to APD logs (9:45 PM Saturday night):

Upon our arrival on scene, loud music and voice could be heard coming from inside the residence at 173 Pelham Road.  I spoke with a resident of that address who stated they were all underage and had been drinking.  Alcoholic beverages were visible throughout the house.  The resident stated that a live band was playing inside the house and that was the reason for the noise.  All five (5) placed under arrest for TBL noise.

All of them, gasp, UMass/Amherst students:

Jessica Gibbon, Oakhurst, NJ, age 20
Kate Werder, Narberth, PA, age 19
Lindsey Leistinger, Marshfield, MA, age 19
Sarah Ricciarelli, Pembroke, MA, age 19
Rosa Topping, Belmont, MA, age 20


  1. Were these kids given any warning? Can they expunge the underage drinking record if they do community service (and stay clean)?

  2. I did not have much time this morning with the files, so I'm not sure if there was an earlier incident at that address that brought an initial warning or not.

    But a judge has the final say and can make those conditions, or even dismiss the case entirely.

  3. What was the deal with the other house?

  4. The usual: four guys making too much noise. All four arrested for noise and two of them the additional charge of underage drinking.

    116 Montague Road in North Amherst. Gives the neighbors out there more ammunition to stop any zoning change that encourages development of any kind.

  5. There was an earlier incident at the house that week, with no arrests. Not sure about that night.

  6. Why five? I thought the town allowed no more than four unrelated.

  7. Unrelated bylaw probably would not hold up in court, so right now it's kind of up to the landlord to self enforce.

    And you know how that goes ...

  8. Trailer for Sale or RentAugust 15, 2012 at 1:01 AM

    The unrelated by-law shouldn't hold up in court. The jerks... excuse me, "friendly" administrators at Puffton Village informed me rent would be going up for those inheriting my old apartment by a hundred dollars or so per month. According to the lady this was due to gas prices... not taking advantage of students who cannot secure housing on campus due to the lag time of new dorm construction. Pipeline and Gas journal, the natural gas magazine, says that prices are expected to stay comparable through 2012 unless the economy experiences an uptick, which it hasn't.

    Rent keeps skyrocketing, and when you abide by the unrelated housing law you wonder why when you pay out the nose when the town doesn't help keep cost down and protect you from gouging. As a group of students who never once had police called on them I had half a mind to invite an extra roommate in just to make ends meet. And that's after I worked full time during the summer and 20 hours a week during my studies.

    I just hope Amherst steps up to help those with low-income, but I doubt it as this by law targets only students, and you wonder why we don't feel welcome.

  9. what a completely bias and blatantly rude article (if you can even call it that)...oh SHIT, some girls threw a party - compared to most of the other parties thrown by umass students which result in violence and arrests based on much more than a damn noise complaint i really dont think this was worth the "gasp, umass/amherst students" comment that concluded the article. plus who are you to further publicize the names of the residents of the house as if the names being on the Amherst PD records isnt already enough to possibly jeopardize the future and reputation of these students.... idk what the purpose of this blog is, but if it even attempts to be some sort of legitimate fair reporting on the happenings of amherst, it certainly failed to do so. the "oh no, here we go again" approach taken to write this "article" is uncalled for considering your lack of affiliation with these girls or their overall conduct. half the reason umass students have this negative label affiliated with them is because surrounding schools like Amherst college have a policy which allow parties to take place on campus/in dorms and even have alcohol supplied to them by the school. do you really think that all of these amherst college students throwing their on campus parties are all of age either? i could go on, but ill leave my comment at that - the so-called disregard of umass students to respect their community which you are trying to depict is only being warped further by this pointless blog and adding to the negative connotation people like you spread about the university - why not focus on the part of the police report which stated the students took responsibility for their actions by admitting to the police what was going on instead of lying and responding immaturely to the complaint... way to go LarryK, why dont you just joint the fucking amherst PD yourself if youre so preoccupied on the happenings of amherst
