Monday, August 13, 2012

Failure to Communicate

 Snell Street, Amherst:  Go away (or something like that)

Early this morning the boys in white hats fanned out to both ends of Snell Street from their portable trailer, located on that road about half way between busy Route 9 and equally busy Route 116, to take up guard duty and close off the popular road to only those who live or try to do business there (Hampshire Veterinary Hospital).

Chain link fence surrounds trailer (to keep out citizens with torches and pitchforks)

Sure we locals all knew it was coming ... generally speaking. But this was the first indication the road would close today.  Kind of short notice. 

I guess when you are the Department of Conservation Recreation, customer service is not too high on the list.  Right up there with Western Mass Electric Company.

UPDATE:  6:00 PM
By 3:05 this afternoon the guards and signs were gone without a trace, and the road reopened.   No notice as to whether this will be the daily routine or not. 

UPDATE: 8:00 AM Tuesday morning

They're baaaaaack ...


  1. Hey, why not? They just got the roundabouts open down by Atkins, so why not close another road in Amherst and keep up the frustration with the motorists?
    Thankfully this doesn't mean a huge detour like the Bay Road closing did.

  2. "Right up there with Western Mass Electric Company."


  3. I heard that (a) WMECO had some financial issues and got bought out and now officially is Connecticut Light & Power.

    Any truth to this?

  4. Recent pavement patches will do nothing to improve Pine St-

    Hopefully the state will come through with some money- or Atkins will move forward on plans for a North Amherst store so we can get road work too!

  5. The White Hat was at Snell St. this a.m. too. He was kinda cute with a white beard ...
