Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New Sheriff in Town

UMPD Headquarters

Congratulations to John K. Horvath who will assume command of UMass Police Department just in time for the September/October uptick in hijinks.

This now makes the second top official assuming leadership roles at the flagship Amherst campus.  Kumble Subbaswamy replaced Bob Holub as Chancellor after he was run out of town June 30th.

UMPD, unlike the political bureaucracy that runs higher education, is of a military mindset.   A great department in a top-of-the-line new building.  And fortunately, the vast majority of students they oversee are hard working, mature, responsible adults. 

I hope Chief Horvath continues to maintain the strong, mutually beneficial partnership his predecessor, Johnny Whitehead, enjoyed with the Amherst Police Department. 


  1. What will his salary be?

  2. $140K.

    APD and AFD Chiefs are around $113K.

  3. The APD and AFD Chiefs should be making at least what the UMPD Chief and the Town and School Chiefs make.

  4. Hopefully he will be able to (a) restore morale in the department and (b) rebuild some sort of positive relationship with the student body. Right now, both are lacking...
