Wednesday, August 15, 2012

All American Tweet

 Everything about Big Y is BIG, including their flag

One of the great things about Twitter is how seriously practitioners usually take it.  And now that more and more institutions are embracing Twitter as a 21st century two-way suggestion box, customer service can greatly benefit.

 Big Y Amherst 8/14/12

Now if you live in the Happy Valley you know first hand that Big Y Supermarkets proudly trumpets its "all American" image as a "family owned" business since 1936.  The quintessential American success story.  In fact, if Senator Scott Brown needed a poster business for the "I built this" campaign, he could not do any better than Big Y World Class Market.

Obviously they have embraced social media and use it well.  Within 5 minutes of my original tweet I had a response and within two hours the problem was solved.  God bless America (and free enterprise).


  1. An exemplary, elegantly simple use of social media for rapid results.

  2. Wow! That just made my day. It's great to see that a local corporation listens and cares. I don't care how many flag haters there are around here....I LOVE seeing Old Glory waving proud. Thanks for the lift Larry. Richard.

  3. No problem Richard.

    And we will soon find out if there are any flag haters left in Amherst, when I go before the Select Board to request flying the commemorative flags on 9/11.

  4. Why not flag a commemorative American flag every day?

    I remember being called a slur word usually aimed at the LGBTQ community for planting an American flag on 9/11 as a UMass student in downtown Amherst. I don't think I've ever been more upset by the lack of respect towards our country.

    Keep up the fight Larry.

  5. BigY did NOT build (nor pay for) the new traffic light and intersection at its parking lot entrance, just as the "private sector" didn't build (nor pay for) the bridge which was the antecedent to "that" in President Obama's grammatically-fractured sentence: it was WE THE PEOPLE who built those things. PAY ATTENTION, LARRY K!

  6. Oh, I think the taxes they pay on their commercial property alone would more than cover the cost of the new traffic light.

    And if it was their property I'm sure the road lines would be repainted by now.

  7. Tsk tsk Larry! Don't you know you should pay taxes AND for every time you use something your taxes paid for?

    Goodness, your rational thinking is only going to get you into trouble in that town!
