Tuesday, July 31, 2012

NIMBY Knock Out?

 Ye Old Amherst (unlined) Landfill

Looks like the top two weapons in the NIMBY arsenal for disrupting the deal to bring a solar farm to ye old Amherst landfill may be scuttled by the Massachusetts state legislature.  The lawsuit citing an antiquated DEP deed restriction for keeping landfills free of any development except passive recreation could be swept aside by a new ordinance specifically freeing landfills from any such trivial outdated mandates.

And now the once all-powerful anti-development nuke known as Massachusetts Endangered Species Act may lose some of its Divine power to preserve, protect and coddle critters like the Grasshopper Sparrow who currently make their home on the grassy wide expanse covering the fermented, decayed garbage.

Apparently when it comes to renewable energy, our state legislators have seen the light.

At 4.75 mega watts, Amherst would be one of the state's largest


  1. Would just love to see a NIMBY knock out.

  2. Yes, yes, if you don't like the rules just change them.

  3. well,in Shutesbury if You don't like the out come of a vote You get to vote again!

  4. Prove Your Not A RobotJuly 31, 2012 at 9:12 PM

    And once again Amherst fails to diversify its economy away from the university... Ironically complaints will be vocalized at town hall about this problem later.

  5. ...and unlike most places, Amherst did really well in the great recession. Higher ed is looking like a good economic strategy to me. The sky is not falling.

  6. I say again, a lot of nasty stuff was dumped in that landfill -- and when you see patches of oily stuff coming to the surface, you don't know what kind of oil it is - nor do you really want to....

    Walking across the landfill is stupid. Walking your dogs across it is animal abuse. Don't you think they can absorb all the heavy metals and PCBs and whatever else through the pads on their feet (they can, even if they don't lick them clean afterwards) - and then you have a sick dog....

    And you know, heavy metals can be (are) absorbed by plants so when Rover takes a bite of the grass, heaven only knows what he is eating. I am told that lead is sweet which is why children eat lead paint -- wanna bet Rover doesn't like it too when it is flavoring the grass???? Or is it Etheline Glychol (antifreeze) that is sweet? (That actually breaks down into less toxic stuff -- although it will KILL a cat or dog right quick if they drink it...) I forget - but dogs are mammals and if children consume these things, dogs will too -- and be equally ill and/or dead as a result....

    You do love these dogs, don't you?
    Keep them the f*** off the old landfill! It is not healthy for them (or you).

    Larry, why is trespassing on the old landfill tolerated?
