Monday, July 30, 2012

Lost Weekend

The last weekend in July proved to be as noteworthy crime wise as the first weekend in July, as in not very--which is of course a good thing.    Just the usual domestic problems, an overexposed homeless person , a skunk and bear invasion, and a couple of DUIs.

So I'm going to leave it up to you, my wise readers, to decide what is noteworthy in a news sort of way and what is not, as in "dog bites man."

Amherst (MA) Police Department media logs 7/29/12 through 7/30/12


  1. How about talking about the school employee who embezzled 1100.00 of Union monies that were intrusted?

  2. What gets me about that is that it took them years to figure it out. How come they don't do a yearly audit?

  3. Larry,
    It's really great to see the Police Report in full. Hope you'll keep posting it, make it a regular feature!

  4. Yeah, if I can figure out how to use a scanner.

    That conversion cost me $6 and a trip to Staples.

  5. Frickin' canoodlers...

  6. Larry, these are not UMass students doing this. Those Mill Valley addresses are the "Affordable" units that students don't have - and students aren't mistaking perps for sons and daughters of theirs.

    There is a real problem with homeless people, obnoxious teenagers (how disrespectful does one have to be for an officer to state "incredibly disrespectful"???), and fights amongst the welfare people.

    None of these people are UM students!!!!

    When, oh when will someone please admit that the APD is dealing with a hell of a lot more problems than just drunken UM kids....

    1. Never going to happen. To do so would increase their budget, size & visibility in this "quaint college town". Then there is the implied admittance that there may be issues other than Umass kids....

  7. Yeah, let's blame the victims who were robbed of their money for not doing a better job overseeing it. After all, they should have known that one of their friends who decide to rip them off.

    How about we blame the cunning, underhanded, nasty thief?
