Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Everybody Into The Pool

Workers finish up drainage system around War Memorial Pool metal bed

Last night during his "Town Managers Report" to the Amherst Select Board John Musante hedged his bet concerning the already announced June 23 Grand Reopening of the War Memorial Pool, saying he would make the "Go, No Go" decision on Monday, June 18.

The project was made possible by a Town Meeting vote demanding the centrally located recreation center be reopened after sitting idle for the past four years.  The town recieved a $208, 320 state grant towards the $239,000 cost of having Aquatic Renovation Systems Inc do the renovation.

Workers today were busy installing/finishing the drainage system and a new liner is awaiting installation over the metal bed; and then the entire area around the pool--an area as big as the pool itself--needs to be set in concrete. 

But once renovations are complete the pool will require dramatically less annual maintance as the new liner does not require a labor intensive paint job every year with expensive special paint.

Only question now is, will the pool be open on the 23rd?  (Probably not.)


  1. LSSE has been letting families sign kids up for swimming lessons at War Memorial that start on Mon, June 25th.

    I guess those will be on hold too. Does LSSE have a contingency plan for this?

  2. I called LSSE this morning about kids' lessons at War Mem. and was told that LSSE expects the pool to open on time and hasn't made other arrangements in case it doesn't. Here's hoping.

  3. Not a lot of work getting done in the rain.

  4. Doesn't it take 28 days for concrete to reach reasonable strength? Concrete has not been poured yet.

    Do the math.

  5. not a good sign.
