Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rough week for Americana

Missing a few pickets

Traditional American symbols have taken a beating this week: Occupy Northampton abusing an American flag on Thursday, and drunken UMass students trashing a white picket fence on Summer Street.

Early this morning (12:26 AM) Amherst police responded to a call from North Amherst reporting "a group of subjects knocking down fences in the area." They were located on Cowles Road and the reporting party identified one ("highly intoxicated") as the individual who trashed the fence and a nearby mailbox. They were told to make contact with the victim and fix the broken items.

Like the flag incident, the misdeeds of the very few tarnish the image of the very many.


  1. Boston Patriots v. New York Giants.

    Replay of Boston Red Sox v. New York Mets, circa 1988? Can we say race riot???

    This might actually kick over the house of cards that is UMass....

  2. Why the heck would it be a race riot?

  3. Destroying other peoples property doesn't qualify as an arrestable offense?

  4. Yes, Ed, Armageddon is finally upon us. UMass will erupt in flames tonight and burn to the ground tonight, along with all your records, so that you'll finally have a legitimate excuse for being unable to graduate and enter the real world.

  5. This kind of stuff is so unacceptable Larry. When will the town wake up? This morning on my drive east on Rte 9, the beer cans and bottles strewn along the road was overwhelming. Such a shame that it's just accepted with a shrug of the shoulders.

  6. Ed,

    You are always the voice of the apocalypse. You should change your major to astronomy, so you can be the first one to spot an asteroid headed towards Earth. It will give you great pleasure, for a short while.

  7. Ed is the adult equivalent of a kid who hasn't studied for a test, so he prays for a snow day. He stays up all night checking the weather reports, telling his friends there will be no school, spending all his time doing everything except studying.

    Of course, even if by some miracle the snow day actually comes to pass, Ed will fail to make use of the extra time and will flunk the test anway, having been unwilling to acknowledge that his reprieve was only temporary.

  8. Anon 12:17, as Ed would be the first to tell you, that asteroid would strike Amherst and ONLY Amherst, leaving the rest of the planet unscathed and chortling about Amherst's misfortune at having the 'higher ed bubble' well and truly popped.

  9. Also sad that he insists on "approving" comments for his blog....sigh

  10. This shames me, but until UMass Amherst can be acknowledged as the top-tier research school in the area and shrug off the entry of such folks who tend to commit such crimes it will be up to the vigilance of the police. I pray that this results in expulsion.
