Friday, February 3, 2012

Occupy Sends the wrong signal

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My digital journalist buddy Mary Serreze, who covers Northampton like I cover Amherst, posted this photo on my Facebook wall after I commented about this obnoxious incident on hers, knowing it was an act of disrespect deserving of further mention.

And as she already pointed out, the Occupy Northampton folks also disrupted a Northampton City Council meeting last night, thus showing disrespect for our government at all levels.

The American flag belongs to all of us, all 100%! Men and women have died and will continue to die for the freedoms it represents, including the freedom to use it disrespectfully. Yes, flying the flag upside down is a legitimate way to signal distress, but dragging it on the ground is distressing to the vast majority of Americans from all socioeconomic backgrounds.

As the noisy crowd of perhaps 100 passed around us, my 10-year-old daughter took note of the American flag being used like a dust mop and said "Why are they doing that?" "Because they want to get our attention," I replied.

As my Chinese friends would say, "Be careful what you wish for."


  1. Are these the same people who shout baby-killer at the men and women in uniform? As part of the lower 99% of income earners I sure do not any part of these protestors representing my opinions.

  2. These people who show so much disrespect for the flag, and for the government meetings are a few on the fringe. They're loud so we hear about them. But they are VERY few...thank goodness. We're surrounded by them here in the "happy valley". Once you get outside this area, it's real normal.

  3. You"re probably right. Just like rowdy drunken students spoil the image of the vast majority of students who respect the universit and the town.

  4. Not only is it disrepectful, it's a good way to lose your credibility. Just awful PR strategy. I agree with the Occupiers that social change is necessary, but with people who destroy property, it's about their anger, not the goal of de-concentration of wealth.

  5. maybe it's not the real protestors who are being disrespectful. maybe it's anonymous provocateurs...

  6. When I saw that particular Nitwit he was pretty much leading the parade, and a bunch of the participants were taking his picture and cheering him on.

  7. From the picture, it looks like he put the flag down for a minute. Dragging it on the ground is unacceptable. You're right, it belongs to all of us. My friend's daughter when to Occupy Wall St. (original one) with her aunt -- retired USAF. There was no flag disrespect there.

  8. My daughter and I watched to procession for at least five minutes and the flag repeatedly hit the ground and was dragged on numerous occasions.

    They had four or five fellow demonstrators taking photos and video, which I would love to review.

  9. Our flag deserves respect and - as one of your other commentators noted - the failure to do so in this instance is a massive blunder on the part of those who claim to represent "the 99%" of America.

    Our Constitution also deserves respect: a quick re-reading reminds us that one of its key purposes is to promote the "general welfare" of the people of the United States of America. If "Occupy" would stay on *that* message, they might get the support of not only "the 99%" but of all 100%.

    - Your Friend

  10. if i were in charge of the provocateurs i would send in the kind of person who can get the sheep to follow him around, like he's some kind of hero. then i'd let him do his thing and make the whole scene look despicable.
