Wednesday, October 26, 2011

John, we knew ye well

Congressman John Olver

So the announcement this afternoon from Amherst resident Congressman John Olver about his retirement at the end of this term is kind of like when a sickly relative passes away after a very long illness: you're still surprised, even though it's hardly unexpected.

And I learned the news from my Facebook buddy--also an Amherst resident--Stan Rosenberg who posted it about an hour ago, thanking the Congressman for his four decades of public service. Of course Stan is now in a slightly weird position because it's a forgone conclusion he will run for the open seat if his redistricting committee does not nuke it first.

If he votes to keep the seat and then runs for it, his opponent (presumably a nasty Republican) will have a field day with that. Even the left leaning Boston Globe mentioned Stan co-owning a Beacon Hill condo with Congressman Olver, and he started out as his legislative aid.

But Stan is the hardest working guy in politics, and if anybody deserves to be a Congressman, he does. Besides, they're both from Amherst.


  1. BREAKING: Larry Kelley endorses Stan Rosenberg for Congress.

  2. Yeah, but chances are now astronomically high that the seat will no longer exist after Congressman Olver retires.

    And I would hate to have Stan move out east in order to fulfill the residency requirement for another one.

  3. Keeping John and his wife in my thoughts.

    So- snow is upon us and some roads have deep pot holes (Dickinson St and N East St for example) Is DPW planning to do some patching before winter makes things worse?

  4. I think Mr Mooring is going to do a Sun Dance over the next few days.

  5. OK, lets look at his career -- and that of his predecessor, the Republican Conte.

    Is his district better off or worse off than it was 20 years ago when Conte died? Has UMass received the level of funding it did when Conte was down there?

    Or has the local political agenda been adopted on a national level?

    Everyone says he did a really good job -- as to the national agenda, I am kinda glad he failed, but what does he really have to show for 20 years in DC? Really.

    Facts matter folks, what has he really got to put on his CV?
