Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bus stop, bus go

Buses wait for their precious cargo at Crocker Farm School

Every now and then the Amherst Police Department prefers not to score suspects when participating in undercover crackdowns, such as their participation last week in "Operation Yellow Blitz," a state wide initiative to bolster the safety of school children who ride those ubiquitous yellow buses to school and back every weekday.

About 125 police departments joined in the safety effort which coincided with " National School Bus Safety Week." And in Amherst, it was indeed safe.

According the Captain Jennifer Gundersen: "We're happy to report that we had 3 enforcement initiatives (2 assigned to a morning commute and 1 to an afternoon commute) and the officers observed no violations."


  1. Let's know the truthOctober 26, 2011 at 12:55 PM

    How many kids have been forgotten on Amherst school vans the last 10 years Larry?

    How many preschoolers have been found wandering the middle school parking lot (after 4 p.m.) by office staff after the driver parked the vehicle and went home for the night?

    How many times have the police investigated incidents involving Amherst's schools transportation?

    Call Peter Crouse then get back to us here. Make sure when you talk to him you let him know that someone knows EXACTLY how many. Otherwise, he'll likely lie about it.

    Van drivers received NO safety training AT ALL until 2006 when Brent Nielson (Crocker Farm program director) pushed Crouse and Bohonowicz for it after a driver bitterly complained to him about the lack of training and other safety concerns with kids in the "Building Blocks" (and other) program(s). And how the transportation department did not want to be bothered with hearing about safety training, AT ALL.

    This particular time they got lucky.

    But up until very recently, they have only narrowly avoided disaster. And through covering stuff up everything continues to appear normal.

    It's not.

    It's time to shine some light on this.

    All you have to do is make the call, Larry.

  2. How about signing your name?

  3. How about signing yours, "Randy".
