So Friday as temperatures again hit the century mark the Jones Library, rather than closing at noon for all employees to attend the annual Town/Company picnic, stayed open until 5:30 PM so patrons and passerbys could seek relief from the oppressing heat and read a book, newspaper or use the wifi.
Who says librarians aren't cool?
They are..
Thank you, Library People!
Not so fast: several of our Library Trustees retain the ability to shock and appall us.
So the air conditioning was great, but, in the long run, this is one of the institutions in Amherst suffering most from a lack of common sense and wisdom among some of the characters calling the shots, people we elected. This year's election was a step in the right direction, but we've got several more years to go.
Then maybe you should run against Ms. Gray.
It is my understanding that the descision to stay open was made by staff, not the Trustees. And I agree, SOMEONE needs to run the next election that can unseat those who micromanage and undermine reality.
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