Monday, April 12, 2010

You can always go..




    Ed Boiselle from the S Hadley school committee on WAQY 102.1 this a.m....

    So, why are they STILL sitting on Gussy?

    Now, WAQY DJs want to know.

    Head into our middle school central office and ask our HR head, who also serves on the S Hadley school committee why she's sitting on him.

    Nice to be a part of the old network, eh?

    What's the matter Amherst, trouble in paradise?

  2. So S. Hadley is troubled too? From reading this blog you would think that Amherst is some kind of reprehensible den of fraud, graft and sin unlike anywhere else. Guess it's just another small town like any other.

  3. "Guess it's just another small town like any other."

    Uh, no.

  4. Uh, yes. Same mix of know-it-all politician wanna-be's, entrenched Townies, apathetic John Q Public folks, NIMBY's, powerful land barons, and sideline "reporters" from the Peanut Gallery that you would find in ANY other small town across this country. No different.

  5. "No different."

    Much MUCH worse...

  6. Golly, we don't have ANYBODY here quite like Darby O'Brien in South Hadley, a shameless self-promoter, self-appointed spokesman, kerosene lantern for all things controversial?

    Do we?

    Wait a minute.

  7. Man, sometimes reading this blog just makes me want to pop some pills and then go huddle in the corner, mumbling & drooling, until I get the nerve to stick the gun in my mouth! LIGHTEN UP PEOPLE!!! Life in Amherst is faaarrrr from being all doom & gloom & perhaps THAT is part of the problem- many of you just don't get outside of Amherst's borders enough to see just how GOOD we have it here! We are mostly sheltered from many, many of the ills that plague a large part of the world (AIDS, lack of clean water, extreme poverty, rampant disease, etc.) and yet all that gets focused on i8n this blog is the NEGATIVE. Why is that? If your goal, Larry, is to be an uber-cyber-reporter then why don't you try to get a little more balance in your reporting and cast your eye in the direction of all of the GOOD that fills our town? Would that just not be juicy, salacious, and tantalizing enough for the pack of hungry hyenas that you call "your readers?" Just wondering...

  8. Could be worse: Could be South Hadley.

  9. Amherst is host to a spreading virus.

  10. I'm a rock -- what does 'You can always go..' have to do with this picture?

  11. When you're alone
    And life is making you lonely
    you can always go down town.
    When you got worries,
    All the noise and the hurry
    seems to help,
    I know down town.
    Just listen to the music
    Of the traffic in the city,
    linger on the sidewalks
    Where the neon signs are pretty.
    How can you lose?
    The lights are much brighter there
    You can forget all your troubles,
    Forget all your cares.
    So go down town.
    Things'll be great
    When you're down town.
    No finer place for sure-
    Down town.
    Everything's waiting for you
    Down town.
    Don't hang around
    And let your problems surround you,
    there are movie shows down town.
    Maybe you know some little places to go
    to where they never close down town.
    Just listen to the rhythm
    Of a gentle bossa nova.
    You'll be dancing with 'em too
    Before the night is over happy again.
    The lights are much brighter there
    You can forget all your troubles,
    Forget all your cares.
    So go down town.
    Where all the lights are bright
    Down town.
    Waiting for you tonight
    Down town.
    You're gonna be alright now
    Down town.
    When you're alone
    And life is making you lonely
    you can always go down town.
    When you got worries,
    All the noise and the hurry
    seems to help,
    I know down town.
    And you may find somebody kind-
    To help and understand you,
    someone who is just like you
    And needs a gentle hand
    To guide them along.
    So maybe I'll see you.
    There we can forget all our troubles,
    Forget all our cares.
    So go down town.
    Things'll be great when you're
    Down town.
    Don't wait a minute more
    Down town.
    Everything's waiting for you
    Down town.
