Monday, April 12, 2010

Why God invented the Power of the Blog

So you have to wonder how many folks at home we're still watching three hours into last week's Select Board meeting when the Town Manager gave this soliloquy.

A blog is exactly the place for this kind of "transparent" information, access to answers (not that the Town Manager ever responded on his blog) without the bother of numerous phone calls. The Town Manager started his blog over two years ago with great fanfare and managed to average 1.25 posts per month in his rookie year, falling to 1 per month the next year and now averaging 1 every three months.

But hey, what do you expect for a lousy $128,000 per year.

Mr. Shaffer's seldom used platform


  1. Larry, what was he talking about? I didn't see what came before this.

  2. You proved my point.

    The Bangs Center reorganization. A couple dozen seniors had come to the SB meeting concerned about what the Town Manager has in mind.

    I think one of the things was moving the Senior Center into the basement, which they consider being forced to sit in the back of the bus.

  3. What point did you prove? It seems to me that the reason his statement is so unclear is that you started it in mid-sentence. Where is the question he was asked, or the beginning of his statement? This is pretty shoddy. Don't blame him for your poor editing,

  4. I don't think his statement is unclear at all. He articulated clearly and rationally in response to a series of statements about the Bangs Center reorganization; and other than the people in the room at the time nobody else heard it.

    And now you did, courtesy of the blog--mine.

  5. I totally agree with you on this Larry:

    "A blog is exactly the place for this kind of "transparent" information"

    In my view, we need more "official blogs" - streams of information from government that anyone (with a computer) can access at any time.

  6. Yes Rick, all one has to do for a template is look at Catherine Sanderson's blog (which of course both of us do.)

  7. Hey, thanks, Larry and Rick, for the positive comments about blogs!

  8. And we did not hide under the cloak of anonymity.

  9. I just love this self-serving mutual admiration society. What a bunch of egomaniacs you both are.

  10. Yeah, our own little "Cheers"--where everybody knows our names.

  11. wtf how did i get all the way back here
