Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Selectboard's Top Ten list (not ready for prime time)

So you can tell illustrious Amherst Select Board Chair (Princess) Stephanie O'Keeffe's only work experience was as an auto industry PR flack.

Fifteen minutes of the official tax-funded March 1 public Select Board meeting was wasted honing a "top ten" list of reasons why overburdened taxpayers should support the March 23 $1.68 million tax override.

And then they spent time discussing when the best time would be for their propaganda to appear in the local bricks-and-mortar media. Let's hope the crusty Gazette/Bulletin plays it fair and balanced and allows the Amherst Taxpayers for Responsible Change equal time.


  1. I'm not at all disappointing that you chose a new topic and that's as close to a thank you as you'll get from me until to raise the level of the conversation about Dr R's job performance from a chickenshit complaint about the forms he filled out or didn't, to more substantive issues are documented in his job description and the initiatives decided by the school board.

  2. "are documented" = "as documented"

  3. Tom G,

    We're waiting for that documentation.

    And it's a separate issue from either his health or the budget: just how well does Dr. R work with the people under him?

    We'll see.

  4. Stay tuned there Tom, I'll sure tomorrow's post with be a BIG disappointment.

  5. Post on job performance as it relates to his job description and School Committee initiatives and I'm sure I won't be disappointed.

    Make it about chickenshit forms or insinuation and you won't have raised the level of discourse one iota, instead you'll settle, once again, for lowering it and making Amherst a worse place to work and live.

  6. He did that all by himself?

    Wow, you are giving this guy a lot of power.

    Amherst is still a great place to live, with or without Larry K.

    And, as you will see coming up, this is a very polite town.

  7. Not too many people in the administration like working with ARod, a sentiment being conveyed by the raw data evaluations. Now let's see how the SC handles it.

  8. Politely, I would guess.

  9. Yeah, but he will be smart enough not to go off on a diatribe aimed at them during the 3/9 evaluation.

  10. Pathetically, I would guess...

  11. "Amherst is still a great place to live, with or without Larry K."



  12. The SC wil handle it the same way the Select Board handled all the staffers who complained about how difficult Shaffer is to work with. They will just blow by it, as a few sour grapes.

  13. Behold the plague!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Yeah, I'm sure you wear a spacesuit every time you visit--or at least wear tin foil on your head.

  16. I was responding to Taylor's post, Larry.

  17. Oops... sorry--just had that second large cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee (from the College Street location this time).

    Although, I did have coffee at The Black Sheep on Monday.

  18. No problem. Keep up the good work.

  19. How about we come up with a Larry Kelley top ten list? I'll start.

    10. Likes to hang out in boys' bathrooms, "feeling" the water temperature.

    9. Has Bill O'Reilly envy (hence the propensity for nitwit comments). Pin head, after all, is taken.

    8. Has not yet integrated the no bullying concept imbedded in martial arts philosophy, despite his many years of training.

    7. Would rather engage in childish insult and mud slinging than substantive debate on the issues.

    6. Has a serious golf phobia.

    5. And an equally if not more serious phobia of feminine body parts.

    4. When in doubt, cloaks himself in the flag, as a diversion tactic to exposing the naked truths about himself and his sorry views.

    3. Prides himself on putting his name to every kind of vitriol imaginable (seeming to believe that that somehow elevates him in stature from anon. posters, regardless of the content of the post).

    2. Totally loves a parade. As long as it comports to his vision of what is worth marching for.

    OK. Who wants to come forth with number one of the Larry Kelley top ten list? Can we have a drum roll please...........?

  20. Glad to see you follow me soooo closely all these years...what does that say about you Anon?

  21. It has more to do with what it says about you Larry. You're really good at getting attention. Which is, after all, what your hoopla is really about.

  22. Obviously it works with you.

    So what does that say about you Anon?

    After all these years (of putting my name on things) the bricks and mortar media know me well enough, and know that I have a freakin core, and if I say something they can take it to the bank--or publish it.
