Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Peyton Place/Harper Valley continued...

Click to enlarge/read (2 of 3)

"Helen" (Vivian) and "Al" (Sprague) are/were the married $125,000 interim Co-Supers who flew the coop almost exactly a year ago,four months early with full pay. "Jere" is of course the Golden Boy long-time (six whole years!) Super described by long-time School Committee Chair Elaine Brighty as a "rare event."

(Page 3 of 3)


  1. Must be a slow news day.

    Only Larry Kelley could manage to turn Mark Jackson into an object of sympathy.

  2. Let me see if I can get my dates straight:

    Joseph McCarthy died when?

    And Larry Kelley was born when?

    More evidence for reincarnation.

  3. No actually it has been a busy as hell news day. I'm backlogged at the moment.

  4. back to the override- The Gazette has a good article...

  5. why is this news?
    why is it believable?

    Now I know Larry Kelly is not a real journalist, but I admit I saw him as a renegade one. But with this posting, I think Larry has become unbelievable.


  6. If you are going to use my name and journalism in the same sentence, you probably should spell my name correctly. Nitwit.

  7. Haven seen enough strange things at UMass, I can see this actually being a legitimate leak.

    I would verify every fact (it is fairly easy to see who lives next to whom, if someone does or doesn't have college degree, if someone's child does or doesn't go to private school, etc.

    If the facts add up - if all of them do - then this could possibly be true. Or disinformation.

    I will say one thing though: I dealt with Mark Jackson once - as a reporter myself back when we had the _Minuteman_ and he lied to me. It was the 2nd time they did the Vagina Pornologue and it was so easy to prove he was lying that it wasn't funny. And as a result, well, lie to me once and that is it...

  8. To the letter writer:

    Larry did as you asked- he got your letter and "mentioned" it on his blog.

  9. I think the letter is important and I think it should be investigated. And I agree, if the statements prove to be true then something should be done about it.

    Drain the swamp!

  10. If I thought that you Larry, or the obviously cowardly letter writer, had an ounce of a conscience, I would ask how do you sleep at night? Fine, get your jollies under the guise of a National Inquirer type "reporter" and say what you want about adults. But when you start to exploit children, by publishing inaccurate information for your amusement, you have sunk lower than the scum at the bottom of Puffer's Pond.

  11. Yeah, next I'll be exploiting 9/11--just to rile up Baer Tierkel.

  12. I have never left a comment on Larry's blog before but I have also never been so horrified.

    Larry, this posting demonstrates unequivocally that you don't care about the schools at all and that you don't care about children. You would sacrifice other people's welfare for your own aggrandizement. The comparison to McCarthy is indeed apt because you have no decency.

    Is this really the kind of person you want to be? It's just hard to believe that anyone could sink this low.

  13. Larry,

    I am not surprised to see that you lack the intellectual will to respond to the content of my post. Your response only serves to reinforce my point: you take pleasure in the discomfort of others.

    What troubles me the most in the anonymous letter that you chose to post is the paragraph that reveals very personal information about an elementary-school age child. There are no circumstances under which this is acceptable. I believe if someone said something like this about your child, you would delete the comment.

    And yet you are willing to inflict that same pain on someone else.

    So I will repeat my original question: is this really the kind of person that you want to be?

  14. As Scott Brown would say, "I'm not in your courtroom." But yeah, I'm quite comfortable with the person I be. As Popeye would say, "I yam what I yam."

    For the record, I redacted the document (did not have to do that by the way).

    Thus the vast, vast, vast majority of readers have no idea in Hell the identity of the "elementary school age child."

    Now answer my question: Recognize yourself in that Letter?
