Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Peyton Place meets Harper Valley PTA

Click to enlarge/read (1 of 3)So yeah, I thought twice (maybe three times) about actually publishing this. It is of course Anonymous. And over the past three years, I've gotten ever so adapted to Anons and their wild claims and obnoxious insults.

But...something about this snail mail Letter--sent to Catherine Sanderson as well--rings believable. So I've redacted the names (not necessarily to protect the innocent.)

To Be Continued...


  1. Larry, It one person' perspective and it's valid.

    I would not put your style and contributions in the same boat as Catherine Sanderson, however.

    Although your intentions are mostly good, your insights are not reliable, your style is oafish and you seem in part to be driven driven by narcissism. People remember the style becuase it's the best indicator of intention ... unless you have history or non-verbal cues to observe.

    I don't want to hear you complain about anonymous posters anymore, really.

  2. But Larry is cute. Doesn't he get points just for being so adorable?

    Much can be forgiven for simply being irascible, too.

    And he is such a cunning linguist.

    Anonymous Poster

  3. Obviously I do something right (as in correct) because I certainly seem to attract the likes of you two.

  4. Larry Kelly is one big overdone hypocrite.

    By posting this anonymous letter, with attacks in it against people you've blogged against, and support for people you've blogged in favor of, any credibility you ever had in attacking anonymous signatures is gone, gone, gone. This is exactly the point: when you agree with anonymous writers, they are featured. Spotlighted. The blog version of a ticker tape parade.

    When you oppose an anonymous comments, they are bullied and attacked.

    So it doesn't matter if the person is anonymous. It only matters if they agree with you. All the taunting about be brave and courageous are really just bullshit.

    You are one amazing hypocrite. Thanks for posting the letter.

  5. Larry is just a self-rightous small town windbag.

  6. Yes Larry is a hypocriteMarch 17, 2010 at 6:27 PM

    5:48 pm - I do believe that Larry has been outed. He's not exactly a naked emperor, but his calls for transparency seem to be less than transparent... just verbal artillery. Otherwise, how could he feature an anonymous letter no matter how sincere or authentic or deterimental it sounded.

    This is a hoot.

  7. "believable"?: what exactly was believable about the letter?

  8. Oh, just wait until you see the next installment.

  9. "believable"? what exactly was believable about that letter?

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Give Larry a break - he is the best thing to happen to Amherst in along time.

  12. Wait to use see my third letter - affairs, sneaking into the boys bathroom, stalking...

  13. Andy Churchill needs to know that it's not only seniors that can not afford the taxes.
    The town needs to be realistic about who lives here- single parents, social service workers, minimum wage earners, folks working more than one job to survive in this economy (as well as seniors)
    There are few major employers in the area (take a look at job offerings and pay rates)
    MANY Amherst residents are really struggling!

  14. Taught not to pay attention to gossipMarch 17, 2010 at 11:11 PM

    .....and you know who was found kissing XXXX behind the bathroom door? and so-and-so spoke not nicely to me while I walked down the hallway..... and whats-her-name was having an affair with him, while the XXXX secretary knew all about it and called her husband while he was home.

    I hope we have more important things to think about in this town.

  15. This is nothing compared to what happens at the University. I came home early from work on day only to find a high ranking married math professor in bed with my wife. Nothing like getting paid to screw around. I latter found out that this professor was notorious for being involved with the student body. Then my wife leaves me for a grad student she was having an affair with with. Nice way to get an A. Needless to say we are no longer married. Good riddance. I can tell you from inside information the amount of money wasted at the university level and what happens to bad hire there. If your interested let me know.

  16. So it isn't just Student Affairs where this stuff happens - the academic side of the house has the same stuff going on.

    I am not surprised.....

  17. Publishing this letter is an embarrassment. It's just the typical inter-office gossip. "Why is someone paid so much" and why does "so and so gets special treatment."

    Give me a break.

  18. Yes affairs happen everywhere. Someone told me his father was a minister and divorced his mother after she found out he was messing with the church secretary. Ask any faculty member how many fellow faculty members are divorced from their wifes and took up with a student or former student. This usually occurs from a position of power liker faculty- student, doctor-nurse, principal- secretary, boss-secretary.

  19. Oh I forgot to mention one more position of power, President - aide.

  20. Yes your right who cares except the spouses and families of these cheats. No problem as long as it's not on the taxpayers time.

  21. another person of power, town manager....

  22. Yes your right who cares except the spouses and families of these cheats. No problem as long as it's not on the taxpayers time.

    I take the military's approach to this: if your spouse can't trust you, then why should anyone else?

    And why should you be trusted with responsibilities and power? Divorcing because you can't stand each other is one thing, but I have found that people whose spouses can't trust them usually can't be trusted in general...

  23. Yes your right who cares except the spouses and families of these cheats. No problem as long as it's not on the taxpayers time.

    I take the military's approach to this: if your spouse can't trust you, then why should anyone else?

    And why should you be trusted with responsibilities and power? Divorcing because you can't stand each other is one thing, but I have found that people whose spouses can't trust them usually can't be trusted in general...

  24. Actually I find it interesting to learn about some of the garbage behind the scenes. High and mighty Amherst with its elitist and sickening pc attitude is really no better than any other town, despite its protestations. A good, healthy dose of reality, however it's delivered, can be useful in helping folks make decisions about the town they live in.
