So the die has been cast, the Rubicon crossed or as General Custer so famously last exclaimed, "We got 'em boys!"
As expected the Select Board this morning rubber stamped the orchestrated package presented to them by the Budget Coordinating Group--albeit slightly less (looks like the Regional Schools cut their demands a bit, maybe by tapping the $1 million stashed in their E+D Account.)
Now the amount is $1,680,441 and it's a single amount, all or nothing lump sum with "allocations". And because it's a General Operation Override, it is FOREVER.
But yes, the following year the "allocations" are gone; only the tax amount remains--plus 2.5% of course.
The Ballot Question
Thanks Alisa. If only town government overall was as efficient as you.
And Princess Stephanie really, really should have listened to your pitch for a Menu Override.
Rich Morse
At what point will they say "enough" and stop asking for more?
Prop 2.5 passed in 1980 because people said ENOUGH! So the state then increased taxes and funneled the money to the towns that way.
Now that has been exhausted and we then go back to property taxes.
At some point, someone has got to say "son, you have had enough to drink tonight..."
And I believe this state also just elected an, egad, Republican to replace a single family Democrat dynasty.
So now the civil war begins, get the yard signs and let's vote it down again. I will not give the town or any other organization a check to do what they will with after they have drown themselves in debt. I believe we are about to experience a classic "Bait and Switch" tactic here. And if this follows through we will see them asking for more money to be used on creative special interest projects. I agree with Ed and it is time to shut off the open bar and everyone pay their tab.
What "creative special interest projects" are you afraid of?
You can always tell when a high paying bureaucrat is about ready to retire. They always give themselves a big raise because their pension is based on their last few years highest salary. So they get a raise until the day they
die. The next bueaucrat comes in demanding more and threatens to cut essentials if we don't raise taxes. The fat never seems to get cut. It's always the lowest pay that suffers. This has been going on long enough.
Read the letter. It calls for an override of a specific amount for "the fiscal year" starting July 1, 2010.
If the intent is to authorize an override starting July 1, 2010 and every year after, it does not say that.
Look at who the author is. He's a disaster.
I've just started to follow what's happening in Amherst. And the last post called L.S. a "disaster". Why? Please give details.
Step on the snakes!
No more money for corruption!!!
Shaffer made a "deal" with the police department and the fire departments of this town; agreeing to "full funding" of the Quinn Bill.....anyone bother to read up on that? The Quinn bill is bankrupt, the town of A-hole will be responsible for the "full funding" of it....HELLO....anyone there? Gee, ya' think Shafer wants to push the override because he promised things to people he couldn't deliver?
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