Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cluck, cluck, cluck


  1. Have you seen the HUGE pigs that are penned on the far east side of the farm?

  2. Not yet. Maybe next bike ride out that way.

  3. don't talk about shafter like that!

  4. Have you seen the HUGE pigs that are penned on the far east side of the farm?

    One word Babe. That will do pig, that will do.


  5. I forgot about the grammar police on this site. Greater participation through ridicule.

    "That'll do, Pig. That'll do."


  6. Some of those huge pigs are about to give birth. A small sow farrowing hut was painted in festive colors this week by members of the Simple Gifts CSA (kids mostly). It's just south of the chicken pen awaiting the new arrivals.

  7. The farm seems to rotate the location of the animals (especially the chickens. They are always on the move) Is this to fertilize the soil?

    (just curious)

  8. Yes. All the animals are rotated for that reason.

  9. For more information on the farm and it's biodiversity practices there's an interpretive walk being offered (led by Dave Tepfler, Simple Gifts farmer, and Ted Watt, from the Hitchcock center) on Sunday, Oct. 11th from 1:30 to 3:30. It's called Farming IS Ecology and is free and open to the public. The farm entrance is on North Pleasant St. across from Pufton Village.
