Thursday, October 8, 2009

And our flag was still there.

So the American Legion Post 148 did not take long to replace Old Glory and the POW flags stolen less than a month ago. Replacement costs were a tad steep since the offending Nitwit managed to trash the flagpole while stealing the flags.

This new, more expensive one has better security as the line to raise or lower the flag is on the inside of the hollow pole so easy access can be locked out to any drunk yahoo.

(My WW2 Vet friend Kilroy tells me they also installed twin 50 caliber machine guns on the roof trained on the flagpole base as well as a couple of claymore mines…)

My original post


  1. I wish that I could believe that this theft was due to drunkenness, but it's got the reek of sober intentionality about it.

    How about some electric current running up and down the pole?

  2. technically speking not "still" there but there "again"

  3. No, the Geneva Convention precludes the use of the 50 cal weapons on personnel. They put 30 cal machine guns up there, also less damage to the roof itself...
