Well I never thought I’d live to see the day: bunting on a town building. What’s next, saying the Pledge of Allegiance in the schools?
Yes BUNTING! That all-American decoration former Select Board Czar Anne Awad (now living in obscurity in South Hadley) used as a term of derision for the 29 Commemorative flags on the night of 9/10/2001, now adorns the People’s Republic of Amherst Town Hall.
"It starts to look like bunting", the former Select Board chair used as her pathetic excuse for opposing the flying of the flags, a non sequitur, if I ever heard one.
I don't miss her.
Not many folks do. Except perhaps Isaac BenEzra whom she appointed Czar at ACTV.
Although he's been replaced by Paulette Brooks, wife of long-time Town Meeting member Harry Brooks, who was/is an Amherst Board of Registrars honcho who supported Awad's right to stay in office even though clearly living in South Hadley.)
completely outrageous
that town hall does anything
that smacks of patriotism
while they know
patriotism is the
exclusive province of Larrey Kelly and nobody is quite
as patriotic as he is.
Like lip-stick on a pig...
Red white and blue on a town owned building!!!!
What a silly bunt.
Yeah, like the main flag in town center they could be a tad larger.
Bunt? Hmm...
Monty Python:
Tourist Yes. I saw your advert in the bolour supplement.
Bounder The what?
Tourist The bolour supplement.
Bounder The colour supplement?
Tourist Yes. I'm sorry I can't say the letter 'B'.
Bounder C?
Tourist Yes that's right. It's all due to a trauma I suffered when I was a sboolboy. I was attacked by a bat.
Bounder A cat?
Tourist No a bat.
Bounder Can you say the letter 'K'?
Tourist Oh yes, Khaki, king, kettle, Kuwait, Keble Bollege Oxford.
Bounder Why don't you say the letter 'K' instead of the letter 'C'?
Tourist What you mean.....spell bolour with a K?
Bounder Yes.
Tourist Kolour. Oh that's very good, I never thought of that.
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