This weekend's hit-and-run death of Umass student Blake Goodman, cycling on Montague Road, coming on the wheels of Misty Basi's equally tragic demise on University Drive last Memorial Day will give me pause later today when I saddle up for my daily ride about town.
The haunting "Ghost Bike", chained to a tree near the Hanger Pub & Grill close to the spot Misty died, disappeared a couple of weeks ago. Maybe it will now reappear out on Montague Road.
We have a problem. As the cars have gotten safer for the passengers, the driving has gotten more reckless.
And every driver thinks, "It's not going to happen to me."
Rich Morse
For sure. And now (I'm only speculating here) if you throw alcohol into the mix...
Or texting
Or speculating.
"Rodriguez also said he has been talking to educator Barry Beers about coming to Amherst to do a study of the middle school and provide "a blueprint of next steps."
What? Amherst (middle) School(s) need to be examined?
What?? 40 years of criminal carelessness and near complete lack of "real" concern on behalf of administrators (esp. h.r. as of late)is finally alarming to someone??
What??? You mean, putting the lives and well-being of students last while pumping the schools reputation full of air to draw in new tax dollars for the benefit of... what? A very narrow political agenda??? Worse maybe??? Does anybody know???
What???? Spending town reserves down (WAY down) while giving school administrators everything they ask for ($$) after using fear to force concessions from the very poorest town employees????
Why is everyone so confused? The fact that Amherst can and has at times functioned like a criminal enterprise isn't a bad thing, is it? A kind of huge party that resident not only pay/paid for, but will clean up after?
So what?
Hey Knucklehead,
Kind of off topic considering this is about a tragedy.
This is a great tragedy, however, bikes and cars do not mix.
Roads are designed for cars not bikes.
In 2007 there were 698 bicyclists killed on US roads and over 500,000 were injured severely enough that they had to visit an emergency room.
Gone are the days of bike rides down bucolic country lanes.
People that use bikes for commuting are entering a deadly mix where the car always wins.
Bikes should be ridden on dedicated bike paths. It may not be what people want to hear, but it's true.
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