Sunday, August 23, 2009

A simple request...

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephanie O'Keeffe
To: amherstac
Sent: Mon, Aug 24, 2009 9:18 pm
Subject: 8/31 Select Board meeting

Hi Larry --

The Select Board will be meeting on Monday, 8/31. This was to be a meeting just about the Town Manager evaluation and goals, but due to the time sensitivity of the 9/11 flag request, we will also address that if any Select Board member requests that it be on the agenda. If no SB member requests it, that suggests that no one feels that the current policy needs to be revisited. As you noted, Aaron has not had the opportunity to vote on this issue yet, so I will make sure he understands that this is that opportunity, if he wants it.

I will be sure to let you know if it gets placed on the agenda.

Thank you for coming in tonight.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Aug 24, 2009 9:32 pm
Subject: Re: 8/31 Select Board meeting

Hey Stephanie,

Thanks for the update. Can't wait to see how it plays out. Even if the answer is No, I will of course be back next year (2010) at this same time, since according to the "3-year plan" the flags are not allowed up again until 2111--the tenth anniversary.


UPDATE: 9:15 PM My digital editing video is being satanic so no clip upload tonight. Meeting is probably still going on so I don't even know yet if they are meeting on August 31 and if not the next scheduled meeting is on 9/14--a tad late to discuss flying the flags on 9/11.

Princess Stephanie seemed to be using the old "pocket veto," as she would not vote on something brought up during Question Period and stated she would not put it on the agenda for the 8/31 meeting--if indeed they meet that night. She did say, however, any other Select Board member could request to put it on the agenda for public discussion and a vote if they so desired. I'm not going to hold my breath.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, Aug 23, 2009 12:56 pm

I will appear Monday night during the opening ‘Question Period’ as I have done every late-August since 2001 to request the 29 commemorative American flags fly in the downtown on 9/11 to mark the worst attack on American soil in our nation’s history.

Of course I’m mindful that last year you set a new policy allowing the flags to fly on 9/11 every third year citing Town Meeting’s vote (perhaps the most shameful in 250 years) by two-thirds against and only one-third for flying the flags every 9/11.

But I was always taught democracy is an all-or-nothing process; and that the majority rules. Would you have John McCain serve as President 46% of the time? Or based on a 7-2 Supreme Court decision, should 2 women out of 9 be denied the right to choose?

Besides, last year the 5-member Select board was down one member and the newest member has not been allowed to vote on this issue.

Larry Kelley

Amherst Redevelopment Authority
Amherst Town Meeting
5th generation resident
Citizen Journalist
Stephanie O'Keeffe to you and Select Board - 46 min ago
To: amherstac
Cc: Select Board
Sun, Aug 23, 2009 1:30 pm

Hi Larry --

We will see you tomorrow night. Two things to note: we don't vote on anything during Public Comment period; and I don't expect Aaron to be at the meeting.

Take care.


Sent: Sun, Aug 23, 2009 2:13 pm
Subject: Re: A simple request

Hey Stephanie,

Fair enough. Can't say I disagree with that policy. Just hope the full Select board meets one more time prior to the anniversary of that awful day.


That shameful (Only In) Amherst night at Town Meeting

Best reason in the world to change our form of government


  1. how did tradjen know our own would commit the 911 acts?

    bush knew, cheney orchestrated it, gold is missing, records of wall street fortunes of the day before are burned in building 7, goldstein collected bigtime on the wtc asbestos white elephants, many people witnessed explosions in the bottom of the buildings, witnesses in the buildings from weeks before saw micro dust coating everything inside(drilling), thermate, why would fbi confiscate pentagon tapes, where are the bodies and wreckage in PA?

    larry, get a are still in denial. WE did it to ourselves to further the NWO's agenda of world domination by elite bankers.

    w's grandfather funded hitler...i g farben

    look it up

  2. Do me a favor: go bother Max Hartshorne (he likes the hits.)

  3. Please, do me a favor. Try and keep your comments about this certain issue to a halt. Everyone (including the Select Board) knows about the most "awful day" in American history. I'm extremely patriotic . I love this country. I had friends die in towers #1 and #2.Not you. This isn't just your exclusive. Open your eyes and realize for a second you're your own worst ememy. Testing the schools water temperature? What the fuck is that all about? So, once again, please stop pissing off the same folks who probably would fly old glory in Amherst 365 if you weren't such a jerkoff. Play ball and PLEASE grow up! At least for the town of Amherst's future.

    That,or stop whinning and run for office! For ANYTHING!!
    Grow a pair!!!!!

    Have a nice day.

  4. First, if there was drilling, who says that the bad guys didn't do it to help destroy things? How good was the maintenance security checks back then?

    Second, I have seen some car crashes at a whole lot slower than the 500+ MPH of the airplanes. You would be amazed at how things bend, twist and come apart at even 70-80 MPH.

    Third, we KNOW that this kind of "jack up" building can and does "pancake" - it happened in Hartford and elsewhere during costruction accidents. We saw the jets hit the WTC, we know how much fuel was aboard and we can calculate the heat produced. And steel does weaken when it gets red hot - and kerosene is hot enough to do that.

    Go to one of those coil spring curtain holders, light a butane lighter underneath it, and see what happens... And that is just a LITTLE bit of heat...

    But the most important point is just how offensively Anti-American Amherst was on September 10th. And for that reason alone the flags should fly...

  5. Anon 8:47 PM

    You post as a cowardly nitiwit Anon yet want me to "grow a pair." No irony there, eh?

  6. Larry -
    Time to stop allowing posting by cowardly nitwit anons.

  7. Well...Mr Morse came back recently after a long hiatus. And I'm fairly sure Terry Franklin is still around (see him in town center a fair amount); but yeah--maybe I can get them to open a Google account.

    Or I could just triangulate using my two sitemeters and the time/date stamp on the offending comment and then track the nitwit down...

  8. unfortunately some cowardly nitwits are also pretty smart, and may post from different places (libraries, coffee shops, town hall) and different computers (libraries, free computers here are there at the colleges).

  9. Good point. But if I get there fast enough...

  10. Great video Larry. Maybe be their own logic crosses should be removed from Church steeples. I'm sure anyone be offended by any symbol.

  11. Well, the Select Board with a simple majority vote can place a question on the town election ballot (as in a binding Override or a non-binding poll question)

    Do they really think a majority of voters would reject flying the flags on 9/11?

  12. and your visits thingy is wrong anyways...i check in a little bit, and i am not even close to revere...

    -betty g.

  13. I wondered who that was (I used to fight in Karate tournaments in Revere).

    Probably where your internet provider is based.

  14. Look folks: *IF* the US Government actually staged 9-11, there would have been a hell of a lot more and better footage of it.

    The reason why the best picture they have of the plane going into the Pentagon is a blurred smudge is because the plane was going at least 500 MPH across the field of view and the camera was optically designed to see people walking in a different direction at THREE MPH.

    We do have cameras designed to record things going 500 MPH (ever see the picture of a bullet going through an apple?) and if the govt had planned this, they would have had a few of these cameras there.

    There are explosives that don't produce sound and light, they are increasingly used for ledge removal because you don't need an explosives license to use them, and this is what they would have used.

    If the people in the government were drilling holes in the building for explosives, with the full resources of the government, don't you think they could have used drills that contained the dust so there wasn't any evidence of this being done?

    And do you really believe that - 8 years later - nothing would have come out? No one trying to impress his girlfriend, no spiteful wife trying to get onto Oprah, no disgruntled employee or anything? This would have happened HERE and we know about what the CIA was doing in Afganistan. We know who Bill Clinton slept with and that GWB got tagged for OUI back in the '70s. It is not possible to keep this stuff secret.

    So, I suggest, had the evil Bushies actually done 9-11, they (a) would have done a better job and (b) someone would have told by now....

  15. you are clearly a little slow on the uptake of what is going on out there, there are thousands of respected scientists who have joined the truth well as families of those slain.

    go to youtube and do the research.

    why the frick would the govt record their own crime...that is so ludicrous my head is spinning.

    explain no bodies or plane wreckage in PA. explain no bodies in DC and only a tiny little hole in the side of the pentagon with no wing a section of the building that had just been newly reinforced with thick concrete walls. explain why no fighters came to aid. explain why cheney's war games that day, just happened to happen that day. explain the thermate and molten metal weeks after the day. explain why building 7 fell. explain where the gold went from building 7 in days preceding. explain why bush's brother was a upper level guy in the security of wtc. explain nhow at least 10 or so of the so called suicide pilots have been proven alive and well overseas. explain how atta could fly a plane with such precision, when his flight instructor says he failed on all accounts as a pilot of a little single engine. explain why ...well the list goes on and on...firefighters don't believe the official story.

    stop watching fox and do some real reserach. i have, and it is clear that this is a huge coverup.

    explain aaron russo's statements
    russo interview

    btw, death threats to self and family, money, and worries of prosecution for colusion is what keeps people from talking. that is obvious.

    you non believers got duped, then duped again to go to war. the country has been duped...accept it.

  16. And you're a Nitwit. GO AWAY!

    Go to 'Popular Mechanics', they debunk all the Urban Myths, although not in terms Nitwits like you would understand.

  17. New to working for the town of Amherst. Not sure I understand why they dont want to fly the American Flag. Can someone explain please? I noticed a police officer the other day with no flag on his shoulder, and these recent comments have me concered. Just curious. I am anonymous becuase I dont have an account. Thank you to anyone who can help.

    Josh M.

  18. Wow Josh, that would take an entire book!

    Basically it is an ultra-left, PC, left over from the the pre-Berlin- Wall-coming-down attitude that our country SUCKS.

    And yeah, I'm more than happy to agree that we have our warts--but still, the US is the greatest nation on earth.

    THEY see flying the American flag on 9/11 as a pro-war statement; I see it as a powerful symbol of our horrendous losses that day.

  19. I always love that "US is the greatest nation on earth" stuff.

    Really? On what basis is it better than Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Holland or a lot of other places?

  20. Hmmm, well my sitemeter (both of them) tell me you live in the USA.

    Feel free to move to any of those countries any old time. Or how about Libya where they cheer terrorist who blow a civilian commercial jet out of the sky.

  21. Thank You Larry, I appreciate.
    I do Love the USA, it IS the best nation in the world, may be abiased opinion, but its MY opinion!
    God Bless the USA!


  22. Hey Josh,
    And that is one of the greatest things about our country: we are all entitled to our own opinions and freedom of speech (but since you work for the town of Amherst you may not want to say that to any department heads)

  23. Larry's always like the dwarf in the TV show Fantasy Island that's running around yelling "The plane! The plane!" except, in Larry's case it's "The flag! The flag!"

    He's always got to point out everyone who hasn't lowered the flag or is not displaying it to his standards. It's a juvenile obsession that he gets all in a lather about, using it to define who is a "patriot" or not.

    The basic undercurrent is that people on the left of the political spectrum are not patriots, which is silly when they are public servants, since by definition they are serving the country.

  24. You know Cowardly Anon Nitwit, I have been writing now for 25 years and I can't even remember the last time I used the word "patriot".

    Except I do remember verbally offering the Select Board to exchange "Patriots Day" for 9/11 on when the flags could fly a couple years ago when Czar Awad was still in charge.

    Although I was impressed (and a tad confused) when nationally renowned UMass writer/professor Julius Lester wrote a column for the Amherst Bulletin 15 or so years ago defending me (I think it had to do with Cherry Hill Golf Course) and called me the "town patriot."

  25. Lrry,

    Do you read what you write in your own blog?

    "Basically it is an ultra-left, PC, left over from the the pre-Berlin- Wall-coming-down attitude that our country SUCKS."

    Um, doesn't that sound like you are questioning their patriotism?

    A patriot is someone that loves their country. Therefore, someone that thinks "that our country SUCKS" would not fit that definition.

    Please continue.
