Tuesday, June 9, 2009



  1. A lovely photograph

  2. Thanks. Amherst can be a lovely town.

  3. Lar, These days, the sole word "Twilight" is synonymous with a teen girl falling for a vampire who goes to high school in Forks, Washington.


    (Just wanting to make sure you are up to date with all the cheesy pop culture phenoms, since you do have a couple of daughters.)

  4. Hey Izzy,
    Yeah, I figured that out when I went to Google just to make sure "twilight" meant sundown rather than sunup--although apparently it can be either(you know me, I was thinking the 'Star Spangled Banner' where obviously he meant sundown) and it turned up many, many pages referencing the vampire.

    Finally had to do another search under "twilight word definition"

  5. Actually, the photo evokes the current twilight struggle to save the quality of life in Amherst, Massachusetts.

  6. Yep! Exactly what I had in mind.

  7. Who is to blame for all this?

  8. Larry- Hadley is going all out for their 350th/ Flag Day Parade. Lots of red, white and blue throughout the town!

    Stopping by a Hadley house recently, I noticed that a bunch (10-12) of small American Flags (I'm thinking they are for parade attendees to wave?) had been left just inside the porch door.

    Are you attending? Bring some flags!

  9. Hadley is also having a house decorating contest!

  10. I'm heading to Korea (the good side) on Sunday so, unfortunately, I will miss it.

  11. Too bad you will miss it, Larry. I have seen some of the decorations, especially the Library and places in that area. Amherst could not even to begin to know the Patriotism shown in that town, which we used to be a part of. Ho Hum, Amherst, with it's unpopular TM, and his amall enterage of "nitwits" kissing hiss butt or vice versa. What a place. I am not very proud of this place, right now.

    Have a safe trip to Korea.

    Until later..............

  12. Thanks Ethel, will do

    And I'll try to stay out of North Korea (my camera has has pretty good optical zoom so I don't have to get too close)

  13. Getting out just when the swine flu hits the high school right? Watch how the system handles this one.

  14. Well, since the officials can't provide HOT water at the schools (you know, the number one way of preventing the transmission of disease) I probably don't want to be around for that.

    Although North Korea is scheduled to launch a long-range missile about the time I'm arriving, so hmmm... not sure which is worse.

  15. "Well, since the officials can't provide HOT water at the schools (you know, the number one way of preventing the transmission of disease) I probably don't want to be around for that."


  16. Not really so much of a "slam-a-rama" as it's not the hot water that prevents the spread of disease but rather it's the SOAP that you use WITH the water that matters (as does the question of how thoroughly you scrub your hands while washing with the soap & water). The presence of hot water is down the list on the scale of priorities when it comes to the prevention of disease. Yet another example of "Larry Logic"...damn the truth and full speed ahead!!!

  17. And Gee, if you don't mind my asking you freakin Anon Nitwit: what is the temperature of the water coming out of your pipes?

  18. Doesn't matter what the temperature of my water is...I was merely challenging your assertion that hot water is the "number one way of preventing the transmission of disease." It's not. Not by a long shot.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go stand in the virtual Corner of Shame and wear my Nitwit Hat for all to see.

  19. I meant the #1 way of preventing transmission of disease is by frequent handwashing--and that warm/hot water is WAY better than cold (with soap of course.)

    But you can still report to the corner with your nitwit hat (solar powered I hope) for all to see.


  20. Now Larry is the expert on contagion control. What can't this guy do?! Amazing. Perhaps he can sneak up to N. Korea while he's nearby and disarm them...

    Thanks goodness, we have Larry to save us.

  21. No, I'm also expert enough on North Korea to know you don't try to sneak up on them.
