Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Out with the old, in with new

Dave Sullivan would hate for me to say it, but now that District Attorney Elizabeth Scheibel has announced she will not seek re-election next year, he's a shoe in to replace her.

And no, it has nothing to do with his Irish heritage, adopting a beautiful daughter (along with the other two beautiful daughters) or that he marches in the Amherst July 4'th Parade (not to mention donates money.) Or...maybe it does.

Dave has also reorganized and streamlined the Hampshire County Probate and Family Court into a fine-tuned working machine--something I almost never see in government. He financed their web page without tax money because he knew how accessible it would make all the important documents dealing with personal family matters.

And, like Lady Justice, he treats everyone the same--in a good way of course.

DA Scheibel stepped in deep do-do with the embarassing Pottygate affair (wasting taxpayers money on a silly turf fight) and she's a Republican in a state where that party is a decidedly endangered species.

Simply put, Dave Sullivan is a stand up guy.


  1. .... you closed you eyes to race and gender and picked the white male.

  2. No, actually I picked the BEST qualified candidate.

  3. Now that Dave Sullivan has received the Ultimate Kiss of Death, the Larry Kelley endorsement, it looks like we have a race.

  4. Hey, at least you spelled our names correctly (you anonymous Nitwit.)

  5. So Larry, do you have time before you go to fill us in on why the FR VP resigned?

  6. No sorry, my sources in the schools are nowhere near as good as Police, Fire, DPW.

    Although strangely enough, I had a great relationship (adversarial most of the time of course) with former SUPER Jere Hochman and even Elaine Brighty.

  7. Who running for public office wouldn't want Larrey Kelly's endorsement ?? .... who would?

  8. I guess Scheibel finally got the memo that Bush and his gulag cronies lost, and her hang em high metlaity is not catching any wind.
