(Yes, I violated my Trespass Order)
So it's going to be a beautiful day in the neighborhood--should help voter turnout, eh? Nah! The excuse will be that it was such a nice day we would rather spend it playing ultimate Frisbee, hacky sack or contra dancing on the town common.
Actually, you should have obeyed the order, neither voted nor campaigned, and then if she looses, have the whole election thrown out by the Feds....
The other side would do exactly this...
Well I'm not so sure my one vote (contrary to the spin "get out the vote" folks like to use) would really matter all that much.
Besides I vote in the Bangs Community Center and, so far, the townside of authority has not issued a Trespass Order.
Although interestingly I did check the water temperature there and at Town Hall, where it was off the charts too hot.
Maybe you should investigate something important like the IT director running a business out of town hall.
And what ever happened to the new and improved request/complaint system that was supposed to be back online in January. How much money was spent on THAT?
"Although interestingly I did check the water temperature there and at Town Hall, where it was off the charts too hot."
I think the Town Manager decided it would be a lot cheaper if everybody just filed their complaints on my blog.
And I'm still waiting to hear from the Supervisor of Public Documents on releasing the email to the Town Manager from a (fired soon thereafter) IT worker that was copied to the entire Select Board.
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