Monday, December 29, 2008

Water over the dam

Puffer's Pond 12/29/08 10:45 AM



  1. Yea, just like the 4th of July Parade, that is now run by Ass Hole TM, and the rest of his ass kissers. This ought to be fun to watch, as I am not done, yet. Any suggestions?

    Until later................

  2. What did I miss? re: news 7/4 parade....

  3. ACTV was running a news flash today, stating that the Toewn has taken over the parade on July 4th, leaving the origional organizers out. It will now be a parade filled with anti-war protesters, and a very boring day for kids.

    Until later...........

  4. We, as the people who live in Amherst, should be able to make a change. It's called Revolt, Revolt, Revolt. This town is in for a rude awakening.

    Wake up, you Ass Kissers and smell the coffee. The majority in this town do not care for the way that you run our government. The more Larry Shaffers and Gerry Weiss' that we let in the worse it is going to get. Put a stop to thi, now.

    Until later.............

  5. I have a very simple solution to the July 4th Parade -- an "in your face" one that would put an end to this once and for all.

    Get a *very* disciplined group of people together - folk known to a person not to be anything but the most decent and tolerant folk in town. At random have each carry the most obnoxious and offensive racist, sexist or homophobic placcard imaginable. Make sure the word "Amherst" is on each, as in "Amherst hates ..."

    Now you have to make damn sure you have no bigots involved, this isn't about bigotry but brinkmanship. And then you let the smucks know that you are able, willing and legally WILL march.

    This is the point I was trying to make a while back, and I thought Stephanie understood it -- content neutral means CONTENT NEUTRAL and there isn't a damn thing the town can do to stop you (and the cops are legally required to protect you from any protesters).

    Think there might be protesters?

    Yes - unless absolutely everyone is insane in that town, this would end with this, here and now...

  6. The 4th of July parade, let's just slap ourselves silly over this earth shaking issue.
