Sunday, December 28, 2008

A balmy New York excursion

The Chrysler Building beaming thru the flog
The Holland Tunnel was a sea of cars trying to become a narrow stream.
A New York Irish Pub. The perfect thing after a long drive in from Washington
A block from Rockefeller Center
The tree at Rockefeller Center
We take a Pedal Cab from the lights on Broadway to our car six blocks away


  1. Did you take a ride in the "cash cab"?

  2. Yeah, it was cash. My wife, the business Professor, asked first how much it would cost and he responded "$15.00" in broken English.

    After, she wondered if she should have given him a tip on top of that.

    My theory was they are independent contractors (since there was no meter in the cart to record anything and no form of communication with a Central Dispatch) who pay a certain amount for the carts per day and whatever they take in over that is cash in their pocket.

    Of course I have to wonder what they are going to do when the weather turns to normal freezing winter.

  3. No, cash cab is a t.v. show.

  4. Sorry, I don't watch TV. (spend too much damn time on the internet)

  5. Cash cab:
