Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Torch will be passed (Thank God)

Perhaps if he spent more time on town affairs?

His Lordship Gerry Weiss, venerable Chair of the illustrious Amherst Select Board will lose his royal aura Monday night as rookie member (and you know how those young rookies can be hungry) Stephanie O’Keeffe will lead a coup d’état by forcing a mid-year “reorganization” of the five-member board.

The vote will be 3-1-1 (with former Chair Weiss having the good sense to abstain, and his water carrier Diana Stein voting against)

What an auspicious evening! The Facilitation Committee will turn over its Final Report calling for a ‘Level Funded, Core Budget” thus making it impossible for town officials to use as cannon fodder for a property tax Override this coming year.

But with this Select Board reorganization and the rise of the “new majority,” perhaps the town will start operating more efficiently, lessening the need for a taxpayer bailout.

The Bully reports (sorry I missed it live)


  1. I've seen that car around town. Is it yours, Larry?

  2. You know that Iraq/Iran bumper sticker has two meanings. The other is now that we will be done with Iraq, we can now go into Iran....

  3. No, that would be his FORMER Lordship's Carriage (one of my more popular posts, search under "carriage")

    Damn, I love placing "former" in front of Czar or Lordship.

    File them under "Powers That Were".

  4. Careful, Larry, Herr Weiss will sue you for harrassment and stalking.

    Until later..............

  5. Larry:

    It is naive to think that a reorganization will make any difference. It is a zero sum game, no matter who is in control.

    David Farnham

  6. I would prefer a new form of government (Mayor/Council) but until then, if we marginalize folks like Weiss, it will make some difference.

  7. I actually lean toward the "discontinued" approach where the legislature "discontinues" Amherst like it did the Quabbin Valley towns -- and let UMass run everything.

    Hey, you want UMass to fix all your problems, to pay all your bills, why not also run your town?
