Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cruch Time

7:15 PM Bangs Community Center Final "working" meeting of the Facilitation Committee as their Final Report is due Monday night before the Select Board (and if they don't get this done the SB may send them to bed without their supper).

7:20 Let the arguing begin. Irv Rhodes vs Kathy Feldman: about having the University cooperate with an accounting study of how much money they cost the town. Kathy (A Umass employee) says no way in hell (in so many words) will Umass cooperate and pay half the cost of that.

7:33 Bob Saul, co-chair, is worried they are getting into micromanagement with some of their suggestions for "closing the budget gap." Stan Gawle had suggested cutting some of the over $2 million in Capital spending and throwing the lions share of it to the schools (the town tries to keep Capital spending at about 7% of the overall budget).

7:37 Rich Spurgin wants them to recommend that town officials " develop a plan to reduce the pension and retiree health care costs." The motion passes unanimously.

8:07 Now discussing the many suggestions from private individuals that came out of the survey of almost 500 residents. Some FCCC members to keep the Committee's recommendations very general, but these suggestions are very specific (damn public!).

8: 12 Kathy Feldman does not like the Committee making official suggestions based on a sample that may not be representative of the population.

8:15 John Musante suggests all the suggestions from folks be placed in an appendix to the report.

8:20 Some are having second thoughts about the official recommendation to the Select Board to consider cutting Capital expenditures and reallocating it to operations (especially the Schools).

8:23 Alison thinks they are being "inconsistent" If you are going to "micromanage" the Capital budget then why not look at some of the other areas of the budgets and micromanage them (as in make very specific, concrete suggestions based on what respondents said in the survey).

8:27 Martha Hanner makes a motion "to let the open comments (from the survey) speak for themselves." Hey, it works for blogs!

8:36 Bob Saul wants to extract from the survey comments "just the facts" and include those in the Final Report. The word "sanitize" gets thrown around a lot. Martha wants to see it in writing before approving it. Stan suggests they meet on Monday morning to look that over.

8:40 Martha's motion to let the entire comments stay in the Final Report fails. Alison moves to have Bob reduce these 'mini recommendations' to their essential pieces.
That's all folks (battery is dying)


  1. Larry: The only Kathy Feldman (any spelling) at UMass is a Katherine G Feldmann who is an undergraduate STUDENT majoring in biology. (Note second 'n' in her last name.)

    There are three professors with just one 'n' but they are all male. There is a 'Harriett J' but that is a long way from Kathy. And everyone else with a name similar is male...

    Are you *sure* she is a UM employee? Facts do matter...

  2. Keep in mind I was live blogging that (and to be perfectly honest when I signed off posting that my battery was dying I really meant "my battery" not my computers.)

    Her full name is Katherine Vorwerk Feldman so you may find her under Katherine Vorwerk.

  3. Name: Vorwerk
    Sorry, no people were found. Check your spelling and try again.

  4. Psychology - Faculty
    … at Amherst, 1999. Katherine Evans Vorwerk, Lecturer, BS, Mount Holyoke, 1969; MA, Wisconsin, 1972; Ph.D., 1974. George N. Wade, Professor

    www.umass.edu/ug_programguide/dept_prog/psychologyfaculty.html • 12k • 2008-05-01 • Cached

  5. She still isn't showing up on the payroll. That means she isn't getting paid, at least as a UM employee...
